Acracy … a society of voluntary order.

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Anarchy, Free Markets (laissez faire) – economic theory and all that evil stuff that government has to crush with its big black boot in order to perpetuate itself is what we are going to start talking about. Yep, that’s right. All of those creators, and builders, and business doers, you are all doers of evil. Doers of evil according to the state, but you are still a mighty fine source of revenue, so keep up your evil doings and don’t internalize our critique of you too much.
So, you might be asking, what is anarchy? Well, it’s not that hard of an answer, and it’s not as simple of an answer as a statists might have you believe. Now you might be asking yourself, what is a statist? Hahahaha. Okay, okay, calm down. Nobody is calling anyone names here. Or am I? Let’s just look at what Merriam Websters says and go from there, shall we?

Definition of ANARCHY
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
b : absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker>
Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler — more at arch-
First Known Use: 1539

There are a few parts of this that I like to focus on and for good reason. One is the absence of government, two being the complete freedom without government, and lastly, the source of the word: its Greek roots. The root being: an (without) and archos/archy (ruler), anarchos/anarchy, or having no ruler. This is where I find the most significance in the defining of the word: having no ruler. The other parts seem to take a backseat to this for me. But, let’s look at the absence of government for now. We will get into all that psychological stuff later.
The definitions are split down the middle on the result of having a lack a government. 1b and 1c completely oppose one another. 1b insist that there will be absolute terror and chaos throughout the land. 1c is much more open armed with its notion that having no government will provide the thing most craved for by man, utopia. Okay, okay, maybe utopia isn’t that deeply craved for, but for those that view lack of government as pure liberty, I dare say it is as much if not more craved for over all other things.

I think we need to be clear here, government isn’t perfect, and neither would anarchy be a perfect solution to society. Most anarchists are humble and don't claim to have a grand plan for society. Though what we are choosing between is which methodology is going to enable people to have the most amount of freedom to decide what is best for themselves, yet maintain individuality, and personal liability and responsibility - agency. What should be most obvious is that government is not a system of political order; it’s a system of complete political disorder - chaos. If anarchy is political disorder, so is government, because neither is a perfect solution, as nothing can be, and government cannot and never has provided actual political order. I dare say history sides with me on this. After thousands of years of governments ruling over societies with all the measures that governments use: war, taxation, etc., there has never been order, neither politically, nor socially, and most of all, no economic order. And the more power that government gains, the less order overall a society witnesses because government is seeking out every possible method to extract revenue for itself from the people and the economy. I think Merriam Webster would do well to change its definition of government to reflect all the disorder that has occurred under it.
So, are we defining anarchy or government? To ask the question is to answer it…right????

Me on socmed

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