Stockholm Syndrome

in #anarchy9 years ago (edited)

I've just signed up for Steemit and am still exploring and figuring it out! Figured I'd make my first post one that I wrote about a year ago, when I had been debating with some Bernie Sanders supporters on the virtues of voluntaryism vs government coercion. I used my own profession as an example. Hope you enjoy.

I had to do a rant before my head exploded. It entails taxation, free will, and the welfare state.
Recently I've developed quite a frustration with supporters of welfare state, Bernie Sanders and government in general understanding the concept of individual free will. If you do not agree with taxes and compulsory financing of government programs they say it's because you don't care about the needy. You hate the poor. You are a bigot. You don't believe in women's rights. They're so caught up in collectivism they can't see the individual anymore. We as libertarians and anarchists in fact support helping the needy and upholding everyone's rights. We just believe it can be done through free will, in a voluntary free market society, where more than likely these public goods and services would be carried out by private providers more efficiently, with revenue based incentive to provide them the public best they can at reasonable cost, to stay competitive in the market. We however do not support government compulsion in any form. We do not support extortion, violence and aggression that the state carries out and disguises as the best interest for everyone.
Now let me explain this clearly so you can understand. I'll give an example based on my profession.
When I do a tattoo for someone, they commission me to create a design for them. I use my creative ability, personal resources and time to create a piece of art for them. If they approve of the artwork, we agree on a price, and I use my time, skills and labor to create the tattoo on their skin. They pay me. This is a voluntary exchange. Now, the money I make from the tattoo, I split with my boss. This is our business agreement. This agreement is voluntary. My half goes towards paying rent and supplies we all use. Again, this is by my choice, I agree to this. I could choose to leave if I wanted to. I am free to do so. I could, if I chose to, tattoo out of my house and keep 100% of my profit. But I choose not to for business purposes and because I have deep personal loyalty to my boss.
The money I now have in my pocket is a product of my creative talent, the fruits of my labor and time. It is mine, that I earned in a voluntary peaceful exchange between myself and a client.
In a stateless free market, the story ends there. Onto the next client and the next sum of money made.
Then steps in the government. They want part of my earnings. They say they will use my earnings to pay for various social services, debt, war, foreign aid and various public goods and services. This is not voluntary. It is not optional. It is compulsory. I do not have a choice. I must comply or face consequences. I cannot bargain with them, they will not give me a reprieve on the amount they have assumed I owe them. What if I do not want to fund war? What if I do not want to fund the war on drugs? What if I don't want to fund a welfare state that has ensnared and entrenched several generations of humans in dependency and empty promises? What if I would rather voluntarily donate to charities of my choosing that I support? What if I don't have an interest in paying for your education? What if I don't want to pay the salaries of police and politicians? What if I believe that public goods and services are inefficiently carried out by government and that they could be better carried out privately? What if I do not want to fund corporate bailouts? Even if I do not want my money funding these things, I do not have an option. If I do not pay my taxes, they will eventually find out, and I will be extorted through threats of fines, and interest, my bank account will be levied, my property could be liened, and if the amount is enough, I will go to jail. And, if I prosper by my own hand, my own talents, my own skill and bring on more clients, and create more wealth for myself, they will want even more money, I will be in an even higher tax bracket. Tell me again how this is not legal theft??
Tell me again what claim this small group of individuals has over us all, what special rights and privileges they have over us all that all allows them to delegate what we can do and extort money from us? What higher power do these people we elect really have? Give me a legitimate arguement that isn't based on your feelings and emotions as to how taxation is not legalized theft? Most people just accept this as normal, that it's the price we pay for civilized society. That it's the right thing to do. That life would be chaotic and scary without government. That they must be ruled to feel secure.

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