Fellow Steemians, Will You Please Help Us?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

"The highest use of capital is not to make more money,
but to make money do more for the betterment of life."

- Henry Ford -

I've seen few communities "pull together" like the Steemit Community.

To mention only two amazing examples:

When Steemian @darthnava needed very expensive surgery, there was an incredible outpouring of Steemit community support.

We also saw a wonderful rally around our Steemian friend @karenb54 when she let us know of her need for a special bath upgrade to better manage her disability.

We could really use a little help right now.

We'd be greatly blessed if you'd read and re-steem this, and post it to your social media. You'll be helping not only us, but everyone this message may reach.

If you're wondering, "How can I help?" I'm happy to tell you.

Table of Contents

Would you help us with Search Engine Optimization?
Image courtesy of Darwin Laganzon and http://pixabay.com

We're not asking for a hand-out.

We're not even asking for votes (although I certainly won't turn them down!)

Here's what we are asking for:

Table of Contents
May we have a helping hand?
Image courtesy of Karl-Heinz Gutmann and http://pixabay.com

We are asking you to give us a hand.

We need help "getting the word out" about a product that has literally been saving lives.

I've devoted years of my life to creating and refining this health-promoting product. I've written about it before and shared it with the #steemshop tag in a previous article:

"You Need This In Your
Medicine Cabinet"

In a few words, the SILVERengines proton is the easiest to use, most automatic colloidal silver generator on the planet.

The proton makes colloidal silver, a very powerful antimicrobial that has been saving people suffering from the agonizing, debilitating, disheartening, and deadly effects of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.)

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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Image by National Institutes of Health (NIH), via Wikimedia Commons.

Colloidal silver is also extensively useful for every day applications such as mouthwash, disinfectant, deodorant, and as an immune-system booster.

If you make and take a few ounces of 10ppm colloidal silver every day, you will keep your immune system in top condition.

The proton is for everyone.

There is no doubt in my mind that everyone in the world needs one of our proton colloidal silver generators in their medicine cabinet. If you visit SILVERengines.com you can read about Rich, Aimee, and Joe. They are a few of the people whose lives have already been saved or very positively impacted by our product. You can also learn about the many benefits of and uses for colloidal silver around the house.

We need to sell one or two of these machines per day to survive. Lately, orders have been almost non-existent. I'm convinced that it's because there is little traffic to our website.

I've been working very hard to improve our internet website.

But we still desperately need to improve our website's ranking with the big search engines. You know, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and their cousins.

Wonderfully kind fellow-Steemian,

@jannell, has already helped us a great deal towards this goal. She's given us very actionable recommendations about the tricky, difficult task of S.E.O. Thank You, Jannell!

Table of Contents
May we have a helping hand?
Image courtesy of Anemone123 and http://pixabay.com

For you who may not have heard the term, Search Engine Optimization is vital so that the people who really need our product will be able to find our website.

How can you help?

A helping hand from you could really help us get the word out about our http://SILVERengines.com website.

First, if you have a website,

or if you use any social media, would you please link to our SILVERengines website?

One of the most important boosts for S.E.O. is having as many internet pages as possible linking to a website. The more web pages and websites that have a link to http://SILVERengines.com, the higher the search engines will rank our site. And we really need to get to page one on related searches.

Reaching page one on searches for "Colloidal Silver Generator," "MRSA cure," and "How To Make Colloidal Silver" would bring right to our doorstep the thousands of searchers per month who truly need our machine.

Table of Contents
Could you share on social media?
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann and http://pixabay.com

A link from your webpage could make all the difference.

You can put our simple web address anywhere on your website or blog:


Even better would be to share a few personal words about what we do. For example, you might say something like:

"I recently became aware of the value and benefits of colloidal silver by browsing the http://SILVERengines.com website. The SILVERengines group make a compact, high-tech appliance that saves users a lot of money. With a proton, making high quality colloidal silver at home is a simple, inexpensive, automated process."

You could also "cut and paste" this embed code into your website,

<a href="http://SILVERengines.com">
<img src="http://silverengines.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/WeLove.jpg" alt="Colloidal Silver Generator" style="border:0;" width="100%;">

to produce a small "image link" that looks like this and connects to our website:

How else might you help?

Maybe you know or might hear of someone who is afflicted with MRSA? Please, pass along the good news that our product is a proven source of healing.

Table of Contents
Thank you for your encouragement.
Image courtesy of Sabine van Erp and http://pixabay.com

Also, as I've said so many times (and am not weary of repeating):

"I honestly believe that every family needs a SILVERengines proton in their medicine cabinet."

I've never been and never will be a "used car salesman." I don't twist arms to make a sale. But I will ask you to please look over the SILVERengines website and consider the value of our product.

Learn about the benefits of colloidal silver.

Consider blessing your own family by purchasing and placing a proton in your own medicine cabinet.

Colloidal Silver Generator
We Love Steemians!
Steemit Special Deal
Image courtesy of

We have a very special deal for Steemians.

If you go to this link, you will find a vastly discounted price available to you as a fellow Steemian. I'd appreciate it if you would please have a look, and seriously consider purchasing a proton for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.

In advance, I Thank You!

Thank you for reading this far.
Thank you for considering buying a proton.
Thank you for spreading the news to your friends, neighbors, and countrymen.
Thank you for adding http://SILVERengines.com links to your blogs and websites.
Thank you for re-steeming this and posting it on your other social media platforms.
Thank you for "Liking" SILVERengines on Facebook.
Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement as we struggle through this lean time.

And on their behalf,

I also thank you for the many people who will be helped because you helped us spread the good news. Some whose lives, like Rich, Aimee, and Joe, may be saved from untold loss.

If you have any questions at all

about whether this product is worthy of your support and promotion, please ask. And if you lend us a helping hand, please tell me about it in the comments below so I can thank you personally.

I'll close with our "how to" video in case you haven't seen it yet:

“We are not doctors, nor are we medical professionals of any kind. Therefore, nothing we say can ever be considered medical advice. We do not claim to remediate nor cure any disease. Always consult with your own doctor or medical practitioner for personal medical guidance. The content of this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

⬇️To Check Out @creatr's World⬇️CLICK Each Image Below⬇️

@creatr @creatr @creatr

Awww, thanks for the shout out, @creatr! I'm delighted to help in any way and believe in your product wholeheartedly. I don't have a large following (yet), but I re-steemed this post anyway.


First, thank you so very much for your help and encouragement. I have been "stuck in a rut" with the website and although my implementation of your ideas may be far from ideal, I've already begun to see some of my pages "moving up" in searches that I try. :D

Second, you are more than welcome for the shout out. I hope that many of my readers will drop by your blog and get to know you.

Finally, THANK YOU for the Re-Steem! That can only help, and it means a lot to me. As your readership builds, your readers will occasionally come across that re-steem. It will continue to have value perpetually because anyone who reads it, even long after the "rewards period," can still "reward" me by helping with links and etc. :D

You're the best! Thanks again!



Hope it can help my friend @creatr

Thank you! :)

I have not researched the use of colloidal silver but your article has prompted me to do so.

Thank you very much, my friend. I'm glad to hear it.

If you are in a "research mode," you will likely find the "Science" page on our website quite enlightening. ;)

And of course please direct any questions this way, either on or off line... :D


Glad to help @creatr. I resteemed your post !

Thank you so very much, my friend @digitalking!

I really appreciate your support!

Thank you too @creatr for your support :)

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