Abolition is an Inside Job
People would rather be comfortable in the ignorance, or so it seems. It's not just the ones that are shallow. Even those with deep philosophical experience, end up boiling their opinion down to some "objective" measure.
For example, when they appeal to the dictionary, a vague study, a certain philosopher or idol of theirs, or even to God, etc...
Its not that they aren't deep, it's that as they approach Zero, they never dare touch it.
I think its a deep seated fear of uncertainty... They appeal to these things to ultimately avoid responsibility... It's not their fault if they're wrong - It's the ideology.
I just kinda say fuck it. I may very well be or am wrong about a lot, I just choose to stand on my preferences for what they are, and the consequences of which are mine and mine alone.
That allows me to detach from the ideas personally, and embrace my journey into the unknown... being able to learn every step of the way. In my world, there is no bottom to the rabbit hole, and I think many are just afraid to let go.