Why I Will Never Vote Again

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

I can summarize the title of this post in one phrase, 'I will never partake in a system that is designed to enslave me'.

Most people in the United States are of the belief that slavery was abolished some time ago. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Not only was it not abolished it was expanded upon to include everyone who is a United States citizen or as they like to put it "a good tax-paying citizen", which is nothing more than a euphemism for slavery.

Suppose your slave master is whipping you everyday, then one day he says to you "instead of whipping you I'm going to loan you land seed and tools. What you produce we will split it 50/50 and you can pay me back for the loan out of your half". It doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see that you are still enslaved only instead of being whipped into submission you're given the illusion of freedom. The fruits of your labor are still being stolen. What happens when you stop kickin up to the slave master? In the United States men with guns will show up to violently coerce you into paying or they will place you in a cage. Counter this violent coercion with equal violence and you will be executed.

There is a massive Anarchist movement happening as many people are pointing out the moral inconsistencies of statism.

To put it simply no one has the right to initiate violence or take property without consent therefore no one has the right to delegate these things. You can't delegate it to your neighbor, to a cop, to a judge, or to Donald Trump. You can't delegate what you yourself do not have. On this basis alone government is clearly illegitimate. A criminal organization that has seized a monopoly on the use of violence, theft and as I've pointed out slavery. Economic slavery to be specific.

Within the anarchist movement there are many questions that arise. I don't pretend to have the answers for everything but one simple thing we can all do is stop feeding the Beast. By voting you are advocating for, whoever gets the most checks next to their name, to be your slave master. You are voting for them to use violent coercion against not only people who you don't know but yourself, your children and your loved ones. Let me remind you, you do not have the right to initiate violence therefore you do not have the right to delegate it no matter how many check box's are counted next to a candidates name. By voting you are aiding and abetting in violent Criminal activity.
It comes down to one question, who owns you? If you believe in self ownership then you do not believe in government.

Stop partaking in your own enslavement. You're not livestock! You're human being. Own yourself. Stop voting. Stop legitimizing criminal activity. Stop aiding and abetting in your own enslavement.


Unfortunately, the tactic of not voting doesn't work either. The ruling class reads low voter turnout as complacency and they know that it is easier to steal from the complacent.

A high turnout warns the candidates that the people are watching.

Sadly some politicians actively work to suppress the vote.

If you watch the polls, you will see that pollsters pay as much attention to voter turn out as they do to voters opinions of the candidates.

More than one election has been won by campaigns designed to suppress voter turnout.

The Trump campaign didn't win just by making people love Trump. The Trump campaign set out to make Democratic voters stay home.

PS: The primary objective of negative campaigning is to make the support base of one's opposition stay home. By not voting, you are doing exactly what the people engaged in negative campaigns want.

I was part of the Trump presidential campaign. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. By voting you are aiding and abetting in criminal activity. You are saying it's okay for this criminal organization to initiate violence when you don't have that right to delegate. Slice it anyway you like it is morally reprehensible to partake in the same system that has slaughtered millions of people. When you vote you are aiding and abetting in Murder theft violence and slavery.

I generally vote for third party candidates. In the 2016 race only 58% of eligible voters went to the poll. The candidates see the suppressed vote as a success.

The third party vote was only about 4%. In this last election the third party vote was high enough so that neither candidate got more than 50% of the vote.

Imagine if a large portion of the people who stayed home went to the polls and voted third party: The political class would have freaked out even more than it did with Trump's winning.

A large third party vote shows that people are getting tired of the kleptocracy of the ruling class. The third party vote is the thing that the big parties fear.

You're still under the illusion that somehow your vote actually counts. It doesn't. It's a scam and you're buying it Hook Line & Sinker. Absolving ourselves of the illusion for the need of government is a two-step process. First stop partaking in the charade second get rid of The Mercenaries. That means doing whatever you can on a local level to get rid of your police departments. Towns across America are doing this and crime is plummeting. Imagine that. The Washington control freaks are powerless without The Mercenaries. There is no aspect of government that cannot be replaced with the free market and blockchain Technology. Again you're under the illusion that your vote counts. It doesn't the United States was sold out on December 23rd 1913 to the bankers. By voting you're partaking in the circus. Every person who still goes to the polls knowing their vote doesn't count should be ashamed with absolute prejudice. You are aiding and abetting in violence murder theft in slavery. Your vote does not count and even if it did you do not have the right to delegate violence because you do not have the right to initiate violence.

People who "throw away" their vote on third parties are making statements.

Individual votes don't really matter on the national level. But they matter on a local level. In the last off year election, statists in Utah put up $900M in school bonds. They do this on off year elections because most people stay home. People wanting to expand the state flocked to the polls. Everyone who stayed home essentially voted for a massive increase in their property tax to pay for the bond. Some of the bonds passed by just a few hundred votes.

You're so completly brainwashed you fail to see the magician is using strings. Even when others are pointing it out. It's like talking to someone who's been a victim of cult brainwashing. You're hopeless. You can't imagine life without your oppressor. This programming is called Stockholm Syndrome.

You don't have the right to delegate violence by way of vote or any other means you can conjure. Take away the violence and it's no longer government. Your belief in these statist cult rituals are not legitimate.

I pray you one day wake up from the programming and stop destroying this world with your violent superstition. Maybe your kids will someday thank you.

I think I will use this thread to make a video that depicts the Stockholm Syndrome you've displayed. It will be a great tool in waking others who are not so programmed and can get beyond their own fears and ego.

You are using new speak terminology in your claim that I am brainwashed.

Your post states that you think the best way to stand against the corrupt political machine is to not vote. I think it better to vote third party and against all the stupid bonds that seem to show up on the ballot each year.

I have seen several bonds defeated. When they are, it is usually by just a few votes.

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