Anarchy = Drinking in public?

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Anarchists and volountaryists of steemit, I need an answer for this. This is meant to be a discussion, not an article, the content has yet to be created.
I share alot of anarchist viewpoints and often contenplate weeknesses and flaws in my arguments to myself, and came up against this conundrum. Hopefully simple to some readers, my intent is to discover the amount of governance required to render an argument like this invalid. Im aware I'm begging the question here, but bear with me for the sake of education of those less inclined to side with an anarchist.


I think you should be able to have 'a drink' in public - just not be a shitfaced belligerent ass .

I mean, it's ok to drink at a 'beer garden' in plain view of the public - even though it's on private property it's still in view of the public - que ?

I agree, but in a purely athiestic view, no governance would allow anyone to drink anywhere. I guess my inquiry is more focused on how much governance would be nessicary to keep beligerance at bay and allow everyone to be comfortable. id assume i wouldnt just go get shwayzted and beligerant just cuz i know me, but of course there are those that cant respect any lines in the sand, especially under the influence. So my question would be how to enforce restraint on those crossing the line whilst allowing those that respect the line to enjoy thier natural rights, And of course where the line should be.

Anarchist view* lolol