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RE: How to Overthrow a Western Government in 2009 - Case Study - True Story!

in #anarchy8 years ago

Great blog post, It's really nice to have a fresh reminder of this moment in a more detailed way. I remember hearing about this happening many year ago and wanting to create the same change in the U.S. but getting side tracked and completely forgetting it was even possible :(

Flooded media and entertainment really works. Even with the fact that I don't really watch that much of either.


Thank you and I'm glad that you were aware of it and even more pleased that you don't consume much mainstream media. All the best

It's rare to find people like this who are so like minded in many ways coming together for one common purpose. Feels Great!

I was but I wish It was easier to create in the U.S. Yes I do not yet it still affects me.
I really enjoy your writing because it expose the corruption yet it doesn't feed off of it. I am not going to name any names (cough Alex Jones cough) but some writers/podcast feed off/only focus on profit of the exposing the corruption instead of exposing it for the main purpose of truth. I feel you do this well without becoming a fanatic like some of the others do.

Thanks for saying and your feedback is valuable. I have only recently started here but my aim in time is to cover a fairly broad range of topics with truth being the central theme. One topic may resonate with one person and not with another.

Hopefully I can light a little spark, a question or a doubt in someone's mind and they can begin their awakening and conduct their own research. For those of us that already awake they may learn something new or be inspired to talk to someone else about it.

The aim is to spread truth as quickly as possible because that can lead to change and I hate seeing people being lied to. It is a travesty that most people live their entire lives, and die not knowing the truth. I want to play my little role in changing that. People are at different stages and I'm trying to keep it real and meet them where they are.

Thanks again for your comment. I appreciate it.

Your welcome, Thank you for your appreciation. I support your movement. Like I said before their is a lot of disinfo propaganda & fanatical "truthers" (WAKE UP SHEEPLE!! Subscribe to help be awakened for a small monthly fee). Who present the same information in a different way and it take away from the message of awareness and action.

Yes, you already have. With this post I was remind of the great successful revolution by iceland, which I had forgotten about. Perfect, helping people gain awareness of new perspectives for themselves.

Me too, I remember the last lie that I believed to be true and being shocked that it was not true was about Gaddafi. It ok though, everyone is expanding in their own time. That why I have problem with the fanatics yelling at the people for not accepting new information that isn't "normal" because in the end they actually push those people away from the possibility of them learning through self exploration. You do great with not being like this, just presenting the information how it is and giving link and resources for self study.

Anytime, keep up the good work.

Iceland, the real land of the free. Where corrupt bankers get jailed and freedom of speech exists

I too, love this post of yours, @steemtruth! Ever since Iceland sloughed the money lenders chains, It has been one of my favorite topics. Thanks for your work putting this post together. I agree that it is valuable information to be sharing. The more who know what's really possible, the better.

On a side note, I have it on facebook-friend authority that this is actually a genuine Icelandic lullaby:

Icelandic lullaby. Sleep, you black-eyed pig. Fall into a deep pit full of ghosts

@ballinconscious, you mentioned how effective all of the TV & media are at controlling the narrative, a topic that has been on my mind of late.

"Indeed, the media has revealed itself to be the enthusiastic propaganda arm of the federal government. The government, who we see from their consistent actions, represent the highest bidding corporate entity. Nothing less than full-bore, cutting edge psy-ops techniques and technologies are brought to bear to manipulate the perceptions and opinions of the populace."
-Father Mayhem

I think now is the time to embody, "United we stand, divided we fall."

It is so easy to blame "the sheeple." However, when one considers how much stress, worry, concern, anger, frustration and the general disruption everyone experiences via media, the two party narrative, nuisance laws, economic inequality, etc., it is a wonder that people hold it together as much as we do!

The less criticizing we do of each other, and the more criticizing and accurate blaming we do of our leaders and the shareholders of the behemoth (corporeal) corporations, in whose interest so much destruction and destabilization is committed, the better we will all do at turning this destructive tide.

Nevermind the fact that when one says "If only people weren't so stupid", one is making a judgement call about billions of people that one does not actually know anything about, whatsoever. Yet we find this such an easy stance to take. I know I have at times. So I'm bucking the trend.

Cheers and thanks for the great content both in the main post and all of the commenting!

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