Sugar is making a killing!

in #anarchy8 years ago

In my previous post I wrote about that you should stop watching and reading the news on TV, the radio, in the newspapers and on social media. I hope you did and enjoyed the more positive environment around you. Don't let fear guide your life.

This post should have been a continuation of my previous one but this morning I picked up a story about sugar and how bad the artificial sweeteners are. I can't remember the story but it reminded me of my own decision to cut back on sugars. I was thinking: I should make a post about this.

Only for the last few years the Mainstream Media report that too much sugar is bad for you. And we eat a lot of sugar because it is almost impossible to buy food in the supermarket that has no (added) sugar in it. At the moment I am eating potatoe-chips with bell pepper flavor. These chips have 21 ingredients but the natural "flavor" only has 3 ingredients. They need 18 ingredients to make the bell pepper flavor, and 2 of them are sugars: sugar and fructose. Since I am not used to eating much sugar I'm feeling dizzy allready.

For decades the studies that showed that eating too much sugar is bad for you, were rejected or declined. Or the Mainstream Media didn't post the results. Sometimes there were counter-reports that showed that there wasn't a problem but those studies were paid/sponsored by big food companies or pharmaceutical companies.

The food companies put all the sugar in your food and the pharmaceutical industry gets a lot of revenue, and profit, from people with health problems. They don't want to lose their business so they don't want you to know what is making you ill.

Sugars give you a temporary energy boost but when within a few hours this "high" feeling wears off, you feel languid, lazy and lethargic. To counter this you need sugars again, which makes the following point: sugar is addictive.
When I was at work I was drinking a hot chocolate in the morning and some lemonade after lunch. I did so because I felt really weak. After my sugar-shot I was feeling okay again. I thought I needed sugar to feel well. Little did I know it was supposed to be the other way around: I don't need sugar to feel well. After a while I noticed I didn't drink lemonade anymore in the afternoon, somehow I was feeling well without the extra sugar.

About 1,5 year ago I saw a documentary about sugar and its addictiveness and the fraud of the big industries and I was like: This totally makes sense! So I decided to cut back on eating and drinking sugars. I am drinking a lot of water my whole life already so it was easy to cut back on sodas and fruitjuices. I still drank milk but after a 2,5 month holiday to Southeast-Asia I don't drink milk anymore. Cutting back on sugars in your food is harder. Just grab any type of food in your house or the supermarket and there is probably some kind of sugar in it. Start with eating food with less than 10% sugar in it. This way you are not going "cold turkey". As you will see, this cuts out all the cookies and candy. This will be hard but it's for your own health.

When you are used to the low intake of sugar, you can cut back some more. The following added sugars/artificial sweeteners should be avoided (the most common ones are at the top):
Corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup
Any syrup

Agave nectar
Agave syrup
Barley malt
Beet sugar
Brown rice syrup
Brown sugar
Buttered syrup
Cane sugar
Cane juice
Cane juice crystals
Carob syrup
Confectioner’s sugar
Corn sugar
Corn sweetener
Corn syrup solids
Crystalized fructose
Date sugar
Diastatic malt
Evaporated cane juice
Fruit juice
Fruit juice concentrate
Glucose solids
Golden sugar
Golden syrup
Grape sugar Grape juice concentrate
Invert sugar
Maple syrup
Raw sugar
Refiner's syrup
Sorghum syrup
Turbinado sugar
Yellow sugar

Did you scroll right trought it because the list was so long?
It's amazing how many names they have for added sugars. Just to hide the addictive and ill-making ingredient!

People ask me how it feels to drink water all day or eat no cookies or candy. I answer them: "I don't crave for other drinks or candy because I'm not addicted anymore. Potatoe chips on the other hand....".

Good luck and enjoy your healthier life.

P.S. Please check out how much salt there is in soup!



I upvoted You

you shouldn't just cut back on sugar , you should completely eliminate it . I'm currently around 4 months sugar free and i have completely regained my health and also everyone else that has tried it. Second you need salt to live but not the Morton salt crap pink Himalayan, Celtic sea or red salt. Since no of these have iodine be sure to supplement with it.

Fruits should also be avoided for a while until you body as healed its self from the insulin abuse of sugar. Don't get me wrong they are good for you just not now wait till your healed.
Here is my blog explaining how cure most disease and the main step is to remove sugar.
p.s sorry for linking my post on 2 of your pages but it would seem that we have a common viewpoint. I look forward to you next post.

Thank you for you input!
Cutting back on sugar is hard allready for almost all the people. So I have written in 2 parts where first I explained how to do the first step of going below 10% sugar and next to do the second step of cutting back on almost all kind of sugars.
I didnt know you could live entirely without sugar, I will read up on it and read your post!

I like Dr berg explanation of why we don't need sugar rather than just typing a mini article. That was a myth the mainstream to sell there products .

Very interesting and a good read! Thank you for sharing your info it sure has opened my eyes.