Upcoming Promo-Disruption Event: With Danny Shine in London on Tuesday 13th March

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


dannyshine and anarcotech disruption tour 2018 london.jpg

Come and join us for a fun day of disruption...all to be filmed and put on the blockchain!

This is a call for anyone who can make it to come and join us and be part of a silly day of disrupting and generally causing mischief for Statists, whilst having the opportunity to promote the STEEM blockchain too!

If you are in London on Tuesday 13 March, we would love to see you...especially if you are armed with a camera!

On Tuesday, I will be heading down to London with the inimitable @dannyshine to go ripping up some mischief in the centre of the seat of the British Government.

This time, though, there's a number of interesting twists to the disruption events....Mainly because @dannyshine got loads of great ideas from hanging out at Anarcopulco in February, with the likes of @dollarvigilante and @larkenrose amongst others!

Disrupting the Legal system

not guilty.jpg
On the first stop of the day, Danny will be (noisily) explaining the little-known concept of Jury Nullification. This a a very little known legal device which allows a Jury can conscienciously acquit someone even if they have technically broken a law (so cases such as someone who runs the risk of jail for possessing pot, or someone who has impeded a bailiff from reposessing someones home or refused to pay tax for example). But of course, we're not allowed to be told about it, even though it is the right of a Jury to do this.

MEET AT 10:00am: Westminster Magistrates Court, 181 Marylebone Rd, NW1 5BR

Disrupting the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget Statement

British Government Extorting You For Half Your Wealth And Giving It to Banks and Arms Companies
The 13th of March is the British Government's Spring Budget Statement, when the government tries to justify doing loads of great work for the British public, such as giving away £200M a day to Bankers, over-regulating every aspect of your life, and dropping bombs on poor people all over the world.

We will be there, megaphones in hand, to have a bit of fun and mix things up a bit, right outside the gates of Downing Street, the official residences of the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer!

MEET AT 12:30pm: Downing Street, Westminster, SW1A 2AA

Offering to Sterilize Statists!

Lets annoy statists

As an added bonus for this event, Danny will also be offering FREE Sterilizations for Statists (people who believe that the way you solve problems is to have more centralised state intervention in your life).

Yes, in a bizarre twist on Eugenics, Danny will be offering sterilization procedures to people who are convinced that you can solve the world's problems if only the government had MORE power

If anyone happens to have a degree in medicine, and is a qualified gynaecologist with a portable operating theatre, we would obviously love to hear from you...or failing that a surgeons fancy dress outfit that I could wear whilst running around with a pair of comedy over-sized scissors!

Promoting STEEM and Cryptocurrency

Dannyshine promoting cryptocurrency

London is one of the main financial centres of the world, and one of the biggest peddlers of central-bank issued junk bonds that have successfully made it possible for just 85 people to control more than half of the worlds wealth. Yes, you did indeed hear that right! Less people than would be needed to fill a London Double Decker bus have more wealth than over 3.5 Billion people on the planet.

Naturally, this is a big problem, and of course cryptocurrencies are one of the big solutions to this ridiculous state of affairs. We will be encouraging people to think about moving to Crypto, especially the STEEM blockchain, with its lightening fast and free transactions.

Our goal is to interact with, and encourage at least 500 people in arguably the richest city in the world to go and at least take a look at the STEEM blockchain.

So, please come along if you can, and lend your support, even if it's just to stand and watch (and hold a camera to make sure we film as much as possible).

Please leave a comment below if you can make it, and if you want to contact me for more details, hit me up in discord!

anarcotech bottom daft apeth.jpg


this is a big breakthrough, I support you
but I hope you can come to jakarta for this..?

Well the jurry and government sucks, there is no democracy at all, they just do what they think is necessary not caring about the public, not caring about the poor, they fuck innocents and praise the rich no matter how much the rich people are fucked up inside. Democracy has just remained a word.

Great post..Loved the information that you going to promote steemit again in London with @dannyshine on 13 march..That is great idea to promote steemit and yes i has seen many people from London in steemit and our steemit family is getting bigger and bigger because of you effort..danny shine is going to tell about Jury Nullification that is really great..You guys like @stephenkendal @dannyshine @starkerz and you @anarcotech has been doing great work on promoting steemit and making a tag #promo-steem which is now days really used..I saw your presentation in London cryptocurrency show with them and your video too at the last of every stephen post in #promo-steem.Every banker are sacred of cryptocurrency as they are taking place of it and cryptocurrency are really safe too.Thanks for your effort really happy to it..Hope you have good time there..@anarcotech and wow what an fuuny picture at last..
I would have love to join but i stay in other country but i am going tell my friends about steemit and people who i know too..

Maybe you should start telling people about Bradbury notes and how they almost eliminated debt backed currency during WW1 before corrupt bankers regained control of the monetary system.


We don't need bankers and we don't need debt.

I love your picture in the end :)

Hi @anarcotech, what you will do in promoting steem always give us a new motivation to do the same in Indonesia. Thanks.

Good luck with today......viva la disruption :) Peace and Love.

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