What Mom Never Told You About Anarchists

in #anarchists7 years ago (edited)


Here in America, we are constantly having things stolen, and sometimes by well intentioned people, like The Federal Reserve. They steal from you, by simply printing way too much money. This has caused rents and tuition to go up nationwide. This dilutes the years of hard work, you have lost forever... all so they can feel self assured that the price of a gallon of milk is still within the reach of most people. It is a dog and pony show, leaving children without dogs or ponies. Banks have been struggling.

After we Americans went to war, God punished us with waves upon waves of poverty. Perhaps it was worth it. I'm grateful to our troops, though the nation is transmogrified. It's why Trump won the election, with the beautifully phrased slogan, "Make America Great Again!" America will rise above its constant larceny, though I must confess, it's been really bad since the wars began.

The wars themselves are larceny, and the petty theft of the common American we see every day, is just a tiny fractal reflection of what the nation has become, a greedy thief. These are individual decisions, that individual Americans are making, oddly enough. Perhaps, Americans are actually correct in hating each other, and not trusting each other. It's no longer possible. I still have faith in Americans, and the American project. I don't blame people, because I believe most people are good most of the time. Man is naturally good.

The topic I have chosen is to explore is "how come Muslims are not Anarchists?" Anarchism is, after all, really trendy during war, isn't it? It seems like every other American is an Anarchist now. Don't believe the hype.

Actually, Muslims are loyal and patriotic to their respective countries, because it is obligatory. I happen to be blessed to live in a good place, though even if you don't, you have to be loyal, and it's not a choice. It's the right thing to do. Of course there is room for dissent and debate, though not without patriotism and loyalty. Your allegiance is expected to be with your government. It's just how it works.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, "to disobey your ruler, is to disobey me." He also said, that "even if your boss has the brain of a raisin, you must obey your boss."

What this means is that Islam places value on authority. Muslims respect the chain of command, and are loyal. Of course, there is room for individualism here and there, though authority can override it.

For individuals, the Quran says that "there is no compulsion in faith." So, no one will ever force you to believe one way, or the other, though to rebel against unity is still strongly discouraged. This is also why it is wrong for the US to encourage Iranian citizens to protest against their government. Meddling in the affairs of other nations is wrong.

Islam is a religion of respect, and in the same way we respect ownership, and property, we are supposed to respect the authority of those who are in charge. Islam, once again, respects individualism, as everyone will be judged by God, on the day of judgment for their own respective actions. However, Islam sets the expectations for cooperation for Muslims, so peace and harmony can be achieved and shared. Anarchism is inherently anti-authoritarian, and therefore it is inherently anti-Islamic.

I deliberately talk about religion, because I live in a place where it is politically incorrect to do so. Here, to say that your relationship with God is important, is frowned down upon, except for the Christians who can relate, though are another similarly ostracized minority. Some shy away from politics, though my Uncle says, anywhere there is more than one person, there is politics.

People where I live are mostly secular, and they ostracize the religious. They openly hate Christianity, and it is even fashionable now. However, legally they are not allowed to. The liberals and secular people particularly, are the first to hound the religious. They are the true origin of the current wars, though they are unaware of this. They are into materialism, and psychologists have discovered that religion competes with branding, and visa versa.

So, now I'm upfront about it, the "R" word, which is more effective, and efficient. It was never this bad before the wars. Now Americans, particularly Democrats, are full throttle bigots. Republicans as well, though Republicans are more likely to respect the freedom of religion if they are conservative, not if they are alt-right imbeciles. Alt-right hates religion because it has become, in their minds, fashionable. They're delusional.

Malcolm X said, Americans need to study Islam because it's the only religion that solves, for its people, "the race problem." Americans are highly divided and unequal, except at the Mosque.

Muslim men are raised to respect women, and Muslim women are raised to respect Muslim men, so it is rare to find a "#MeToo accusation" in the congregation. It's a secular problem. Vice President Pence as well, doesn't have to worry about it, as the rules he has delineated, are actually in accordance with Islam...though he probably isn't aware. Still, kudos to him and his wife.

In conclusion, Islam expects us to be loyal, and to respect our government. So we must. Being an Anarchist is patently against Islam, so if there was any doubt before, now you are aware. Don't be an anarchist, and if you're not Muslim, I still strongly advise you to not follow, or associate with the anarchists because they are fools, traitors, and think what they are doing is going to stop war. It doesn't. They have idiotic strategies that are proven ineffective annually.


Thanks, Mr. Jamil.

"Malcolm X said, Americans need to study Islam because it's the only religion that solves, for its people, "the race problem." Americans are highly divided and unequal, except at the Mosque."

I hope whatever religion Americans adhere to, even if that's no religion at all, they will come together as humans and love each other.

Absolutely! I totally agree. I love your optimism. The unity we see in our respective communities of faiths, strengthen the bonds between our country men. It makes us all compassionate.

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