Steemit can Liberate US #1

in #anarchist7 years ago

If you as disgusted as I am with the recent shenanigans of the mainstream platforms like Facebook, Google and yahoo just to name a few, then you will understand why technologies like Steemit are so important. Under the guise of saving us all from fake new (whatever that is). Many of these sites are clamping down on—let’s be frank—stuff they don’t like. Things that will topple their house of cards.

There is no censorship on Steemit. The libertarian minded and those who lean towards anarchism, should appreciate this very much. For we we know that human beings cannot be truly free unless they are give that space to ventilate their ideas in an unrestricted way. Impediments we know are antithetical to the human condition. That said I think the onus is on us, who are using this nascent platform to spread the word.

Spread the word to whom? Family, friends, acquaintances or just random strangers are a start. This new invention runs the entire gamut. I said it in my previous post. Blockchain is going to overturn this existing social, political and economic order. The extent and speed of this change will definitely depend on you. Yes, you who are reading this post. I asked myself, while writing; how many people have I told about this in the two or three days since you have been on Steemit. I have told two. That is two too few.

Liberating oneself, and our fellow men and women from this rapacious monolith is extremely important. I have a lot to say about this and I will go in depth in following posts on missing feeds and updates on Facebook. I will also try to do comparisons on what turns up when I search certain sites as opposed to others.

A luta continua—The struggle continues.


This is why I was so happy to hear about Steemit. Farcebook has gotten ridiculous. My child is vaccine injured, so of course I talk about that. I've watch my posts on vaccine injury just vanish right off of Facebook. And the way they control what we see? I'm done with them.

Darn. I am so sorry to hear. i realize that they are taking them down. These are things I am really looking into writing about. I hope you don't mind if I follow you and nose into your posts.

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