Anarchist Love Confession

in #anarchism7 years ago

"Non-violence implies a kind of bravery far different from violence.”-Thomas Merton
This begins at home, in one's personal relationships.
Confession time now....
It's amazing despite how much i believe in this principle, how much de-conditioning i need to actively employ to live up to this moral code. i am sometimes horrified by my reactions to things when i don't get my way and how in order to try and bypass the pain of not being able to control a situation, my default response is some sort of justified manipulation (even in the form of tears or withdrawing affection) or bullying tactics!
Photo on 6-22-17 at 11.21 PM #2.jpg

This helps me have compassion for statists who live unexamined lives because it does take a lot of courage to live according to one's anarchist ideals.
For me it sometimes manifests as overreacting in a moment based on some old fear conditioning and then not being able to logically proceed because i have fallen into a survival mode... What is at stake? Well, my ego, of course!
The death of one's false sense of security and control is resisted heavily, hence the unquestioned attachment to some form of government that many have. I have seen that it is in personal relationships that one has the incredible opportunity to perfect their communication skills and ability to identify the fears that would block one from supporting another's difference of opinion.
If i can't co-exist at home with someone who has a different point of view, how can i expect to do that in the enlightened society i would like to be a part of?
i just felt moved to confess where i am working now because i want to create heaven on earth

and i am willing to go to any length, even if that means extreme discomfort at times when i am challenged by not being able to dominate people in any area of my life to simply obey because they want my love, and i will withhold it if they don't. That is in fact, employing the very statist punitive tactics that i abhor, only because they left such an imprint on me. One of the hardest things to overcome is the conditioning that came with love withdrawn from my primary caretakers as a child. I think perhaps my greatest contribution will be to evolve out of that and help others to do the same if they have similar traumas.
As an anarchist, i want to be so aligned with my inner authority that i don't need to impose my will on others but trust rather in the fact that if i am aligned and acting with integrity, all is need to fear or be coercive.
~ Anarchist love is the ultimate expression of allowance and trust in divine flow to supply all of your needs without the need for violent thoughts or actions ever. It can only come from radical reliance on something much greater than any human authority, which can be nurtured in one's commitment to awakening and self-ownership through taking responsibility completely for all that one experiences.
As your ally, i support anyone interested in this process and would love to create communities to assist one another in embracing this fully liberated lifestyle and perspective.
with love,
your yogini anarchist

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