Secretive Bilderberg Group set to meet tomorrow!
The real terrorists of this world are meeting again from tomorrow until June 4th!! Every year, the world’s most powerful people meet in secret to further their agendas across the world. For over half a century, no agenda or discussion topics have became public nor is any press coverage allowed.. #Bilderberg2017
Seriously fuck the controlling class. :( thats why we need steemit and decentralized currencies
Very true though i can see them creeping into the cryptos at the minute.
They already have: Ripple, Stellar.
Exactly it will interesting to see how all this plays out but we could be well looking at their one world currency with the likes of ripple and stellar
The banks never lose, so getting a few might not be a bad idea.
Opened a GateHub wallet, got 20 Ripples immediately on email
verification. GateHub is probably a part of the problem, but at least
they cater to their clients' base motivation.
They'll never give in, the need a finger in every pie.