Sometimes We Just Need To Rage Against The Machine

in #anarchism8 years ago

The only way you can control people is to lie to them. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.   - L Ron Hubbard

Now You Do What They Told Ya! 

The concept of Voluntaryism, or Anarchy as it is also referred to, is a philosophical concept that I have been interested in for many years now. It is not something that I will claim to have all the answers to, nor do I have a clue as to how to apply it, broadly, in the real world. Why do I say this? Because the real world is made up of people. And some of those people seek control, over you, over me, over as much as they can get their hands on.   

I think voluntaryism is the natural order. It is the way things would be if we didn't share this world with psychopaths. And psychopaths understand how to game the system. They seek control, and the foundation of control is laid in chaos and confusion. And you plant that seed by lying.   

The more I look the more I realise that so much of what we hold, or held, to be true is actually a lie. The mainstream media lies to us on a daily basis. Religion, politics, advertising: all perpetuate the lie, so that they can control us, so they can benefit from our confusion and uncertainty.

What I Learned From Religion

I was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian environment. I was taught the story of Jesus as a fundamental truth. Until I studied further and realised it was a retelling of a historical mythology, and that many other cultures, older than the Christians had their own version. I was taught that God is love, but was threatened with violence by church leadership if i didn't do as i was told. I read in the bible, in Matthew 19:14

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."    

Yet I have first hand knowledge of several children that were physically and sexually abused by church leadership and family.

So I learned that religion is another control structure. Designed to inform you of which box you fit into, and what thought constructs you are permitted to have. Just like State-controlled education. Just like politics. Just like the media. All these structures come together to create and define society. The grandest cult of them all.

Rage Against The Machine

I remember the first time I heard "Killing In The Name Of" on the radio. It was an uncensored radio station, so I got to hear it in all its glory. It was like all of my confusion, all of my internal chaos, all of my angst, and all of my rage was pumping out through the radio waves. It didn't answer anything, but it let me know I wasn't the only one feeling a sense of confinement from our "masters".

"Fuck you I wont do what you tell me," over and over again. Yeah, that's right, I won't do what you tell me. At least I could say it to myself, even if there were control structures in place to force us to do what we are told. But why do we comply, even if just momentarily? Is fear the seed that has been planted in our heads? Put there from an early age to control us from within. The lie given to us from birth to mold us, shape us, force us to be good citizens of the global cult. And that seed was a lie: "You are nothing without us." And now we do what they tell us!

So like I said, I don't have the answers. I just have my experiences and my observations. And the knowledge that one cannot be free themselves if they deny others their freedom. And that all free thinking people base their actions on consensus, on voluntary choice. Anything less than that is slavery. Anything less than that is to be a cultist. 


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Nicely done - Keep on Steeming!

Thank you, I appreciate you doing that.


I see no links on that page coming back here. You sure there is no flaw in your bot script? Your other offerings have been correct, and appreciated.

Thanks for the notice! This is a bug.

So yeah... Despite popular belief Psychopaths are born not created. It's theory of mine that they may be the predator created by nature on the principle that if you are at the top of the food chain the only thing that can hunt you is one like you. The wolf in sheep's clothing. Now and days people will call it a psychological disorder, and there are few out there who became something like a sociopath when there mines broke from traumatic experience. But I assert that Psychopath's are just a evolutionary variant, a persistent one that wont go away by changing the social/economic environment. They can't be cured without turning them into somebody else which suggest to me that it is not a psychological disorder rather a variant on the norm that all in all the mainstream does not like. They will for the most part walk with us till the fall of man and all we can do about it is try to weed them out when troublesome ones arise.

I think there may be "classes" of Psychopaths, but the true Psychopath is born, I agree. Perhaps some genetic anomaly. An evolutionary discrepancy maybe. There have been cultures in the past that sought to weed them out, and isolate them, or even remove them altogether. Unfortunately, these days they tend to rise to the top of our western cultures.

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