I guess I've gotta address this.

in #anarchism2 years ago


I'm doing this more for the people who are generally on my philosophical side.

Spoiler alert for a lot of my opposition -- I'm probably gonna insult you.

So, if I'm an anarchist, why do I waste any time defending cops? Aren't I necessarily in favor of abolishing the police, and any and all agents of the state? Aren't I being a hypocrite to say that some cops are good, well meaning people, who are doing something important?

Okay, let's unpack this. I'm going to explain why I'm morally consistant. I'm also going to explain why, at the very least, I make more sense than the average "abolish the police" person on the left.

First of all, I don't think that you need to agree with me 100% to be a good person. I spent four years surrounded by people who were generally libertarian; but, I only emerged with a couple of friends who agreed that we should absolutely abolish and demolish the organized murder, theft, and rape machines that he try to legitimize by calling them governments. I've never dated anybody, or fallen in love with anybody, who completely agreed with me. Most of my family doesn't agree with me.

What kind of an ass would I have to be to think that I'm one of the only good people on earth, or that everyone who disagrees with me is evil or stupid? I don't believe that for a second.

Most people aren't anarchists. Most people who call themselves "anarchists" are actual bullshitters who actually just want to install their own authoritarian system with them in charge.

Guess what people -- having a government means having police. Palpatine doesn't rule the galaxy without stormtroopers. Stormtroopers have nothing to do without Palpatine.

The stupidity of the majority of the "abolish the police" people is that they're simultaneously authoritarian. These are people who want to throw the rich in jail and seize their property. These are people who want to confiscate guns. These are people who want to throw you in jail for making a racially sensitive joke or using pronouns that a person doesn't like. But, they want to abolish the police. Okay, who's gonna throw the rich in prison, and take their stuff, and take the guns, or imprison the haters after the police are gone? This is when they're just gonna break into tears and call me names. It's not just that they haven't thought this through -- it's that they're damned opposed to having to think this through. It's not that they love Palpatine and hate his stormtroopers. It's that they want to be Palpatine, and have their new stormtroopers murder the old ones.

"Okay...still, why do you spend a minute defending the police?"

Well, first of all, I wanna prioritize killing Palpatine. It's easy for people with immense power to manipulate otherwise good people to do bad things. If we kill Palpatine, at least some stormtroopers would become Finn and maybe become a bodyguard for somebody who works to put rapists into cages.

Anarchy, in the truest sense of the word, just means "without rulers." It doesn't mean that we have to operate without a sense of ethics, or a system of punishment. It doesn't mean that we'll have absolute equality nor equity. It just means that there's no person, nor group of people, that holds a monopoly of power and the right to the use of physical force over any given person in a certain geographical area.

Anarchy doesn't let Brock Turner off for raping that young woman. Anarchy puts a large caliber bullet into Brock Turners head with no organized group of AOCs and Bidens who would try to throw the would-be victim in prison because her gun had too many bullets in it.

On the other side, anarchy would still demand people to have these jobs that find the murderers and the rapists and the thieves. I'm not one of these delusional anarchists who thinks that everybody is suddenly gonna become a good person if we just tweak the system more to my liking.

Not all cops are equal.

Yeah, if you work for the ATF or the DEA, you're probably a piece of shit.

If you work homicide, you're trying to punish people that every good person thinks should be punished. If I believed for a second that anarchy would result in a maniac who microwaved a baby because it was crying too loud off with a slap on the wrist, or a bit of public shaming, I'd agree to deal with the fucking governments. I don't believe that that would happen, or that governments are necessary to inflict those punishments.

What we do need are people who are willing to take that job, and deal with those awful people, so that those awful people are isolated from civilization.

They may be cops now, and private security contractors later.

The point remains that some cops are doing jobs that need to be done that none of us want.

I don't think that my anarchist philosophy is a delusion.

Even if it is, nothing that I've ever said is as stupid, incoherent, or hypocritical as any of the socialists who want to abolish the police.

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