WE NEED A REVOLUTION - Achieving a voluntary society

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

So you may be unhappy with the current political system? The poverty and starvation of many, the military complex, the prison system, the public education system and the indoctrination and slavery of millions around the world cannot continue. 

We may realize that there are many things which could be improved in the world and most of us want to see change for the benefit of humanity. How can we as a collective go about creating this change?

Achieving an Peaceful Anarchistic Society

[Credit stateanarchy.com]

It's not a question of if or when we change things, it's more a question of "how can we change things?"

There is no doubt that moving from our current statist and political systems to a fully anarchistic society will take a lot of work, it is vastly different from what we currently have in place. We need to constantly try different things and refine our strategies so that they are not counter-productive or time wasting. We must advance in an efficient manner.

Anarchists should use strategies that reflect their principles, this might seem painfully obvious, but atleast it is something to build from. It is not effective to just tell people that anarchism is a system that may work it would be much better if we could actually show them a working model of anarchy in action.

Anarchists, simply put, want to see a more radically decentralized society where there is no hierarchy and free association is paramount. Everyone should have direct control over their lives and are not controlled by the oligarchic government and it's bureaucratic processes.

The sad truth is politicians are fundamentally more concerned with themselves then addressing the needs of the people that they are meant to be serving. This means petitioning and protesting out in the streets is not always an effective strategy and especially in the case of anarchy. Even if it were addressed appropriately, the politician would not act for he would be out of a job, it goes against everything he currently stands for. I'm not saying that we should stop protesting, it does raise awareness to the cause, I'm just saying that protesting alone is not enough.

The biggest slaves of the current system are the working class. Their empowerment will never come from asking for change from the level above who are one's exploiting them. I think the world would be a much better place if the working class actually realized that the politicians don't give a damn about their needs, this understanding is integral to change. Maybe then the people would start taking matters into their own hands instead on relying on government for change.

Taking Action 

Direct actions need to be taken by anarchists this must be done collectively and freely by all participants involved and without any government intervention. This can be done by creating systems and applications that could be used in a decentralized government. Bitcoin is the best working example of this we have. It could replace the current monetary system and is very effective and efficient and it stands by all the principles of anarchy. 

There are many other great examples of collectives creating applications which can be used in all areas of governance. Bitnation and others are doing great work in this field, recently Bitnation offered their services to the government of Estonia to offer public notary to e-residents. More attention needs to be drawn to projects like these so that we can actually begin to implement, use and prove these methods.

Greater awareness needs to be brought to the public with regard to anti-authoritarian views and alternatives to government. We need to create a culture of resistance, where you are not shunned being anti-government. Even something which you think is good is always good to critique, in this way, critiquing government creates discussion. We need more of this discussion.

Creating an Anarchist Platform

In order to successfully challenge the current governing systems their needs to be some unity among all factions of anarchists. Whether you are an Anarchist-Socialist or Anarcho-Capatilist, or whichever other faction your ideals fall under, the only way we can be strong enough to have any sort of impact is to work together and create a unifying platform.

This platform should have a horizontal structure, avoiding any hierarchic structure. While creating a platform can be beneficial for creating organization, we should be careful not to fall into the traps of the current political narrative. We should aim to create discussion that empowers individuals instead of trying to convert everyone to your own ideals. 

A Revolution

If we get to a point where the masses understand and want anarchism and we have a culture of resistance, then I thinks it's fair to say that an effective way to create the society we advocate, is to start a revolution. The word revolution normally brings some negative ideas to mind about violence and civil unrest. The revolution I would advocate is a social revolution which is pacifist. There's no doubt that if a large scale revolution were to happen, the state would have no problem using extreme violence to combat this. If that's the case, then violence may be a necessary reaction in self defense.

In conclusion, to achieve an anarchistic society we must live as though we are already in an anarchistic society, we should build the new model and hope that others will follow. When enough people practice an idea and it becomes normal practice on a mass scale, a social revolution will have take place and the current system will no longer have control.


Great share, when folks are willing to share the liberty we will have it, until then maybe agorism helps.

Agorism is a revolutionary political philosophy that advocates the goal of bringing about a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics. Counter-economics is the sum of all non-aggressive human action which is forbidden by the state.

-Solutions: Agorism Counter-economics: https://kevskewl.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/solutions-agorism-counter-economics/ via @kevskewl

i agree with you good work upvoted

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