Pathocracy [not to be confused with morality]
Governments run on violence, cohesion and extortion.
The mass media outlets [“owned by 5 corporations” – John Pilger] who owns the government, is not doing its job if it is not brainwashing the people with its war mongering media and portraying its own nation as the victim with “honourable intentions” . Julian Assange calculated that each “journalist” reporting the government narrative is each responsible for approximatly 130 deaths due aggressive invasions from the west
Glen Greenwald refers to these “Journalists” complicit in mass murder and genocide…..
as simply “actors”. [in a speech on the Snowden revelations]
Actors complicit with mass murder and genocide of men, women and children could well end civilisation as we know it. In the wests illegal wars, that the likes of Bill Kristol refers to as “The project for a new American century”
There is a reason the masses do not fully understand the subtitles of how the fractional reserve banking system works, the concept of false flag operations, the factual history of false flag operations and the strategic propaganda techniques and strategies developed by those such as Edward Bernays and Vladislav Surko.
One must ask oneself why the masses are not fully familiar with the life work of journalists such as John Pilger and historians like William Blum. And why incredible people like these are not running outlets like the BBC and CNN.
The war on drugs would vanish overnight if the masses were familiar with the incredible scientific research of Professor David Nutt and Professor Carl Hart. And tens of thousands of non-violent “offenders” would not be wasting away in prison cells at the mercy of oppressive psychopathic regimes [yes!! drugs would be legal!!]. Democracy of course is really a pathocracy.
How can any form of goverment be considered anything else when you consider following
The war on drugs like any other war was never about morality. This is well evidenced and well documented by a vast list of whistleblowers. Ex CIA asset Gene Chip Tatum is one of the most famous during the President Regan, Oliver North years, much of which was released in his “Pegasus File”.
The full details and accounts are vastly beyond the scope of this article. In brief however we know for sure that the CIA / American government funded its own covert operations of over turning democratically elected governments by dealing with drugs and arms with militias/rebels. At the same time “the war on drugs” was used as a dark and sinister propaganda ploy to dupe the public into allowing the government to target and jail citizens it perceived as a threat to its overall agenda, perpetual warfare.
The perceived threat [as immoral as it is] is of course was minimising the threat of votes from the antiwar left and black people.
John Ehrlichman [Former Nixon domestic policy chief] admitted the following in 1994 during an interview with Journalist Dan Baum
“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
As Larken Rose so eloquently points out, we the masses are suffering from a form of “Stockholm syndrome”, brainwashed into thinking that our oppressors psychopathic agenda has anything to do with morality or honourable intentions.
One could talk about the problems of the world until the end of time and the psychopathic rulers will continue to get elected as they kick the can down the road for 4 more years.People like Bill Kristol continue to see their “Project for the New American Century” get closer to their warped psychopathic depraved horizon.
Meanwhile genocide will continue in the name of pathocracy [not morality] and non-violent drug offenders will continue to rot in concrete cells in the name of pathocracy [not morality]. And there is always the possibility we will thank our oppresors for granting us legal access to cannabis and legal pill testing at music festivals and venues. And that will make us feel “they” “finaly understand”. And therein lies the problem, they always understood !!!
Anarchists such as Larken Rose are providing the most logical and sensible solutions. Solutions that are absent of any contradictions. []
The notion of patriotism, worshiping flags and worshiping the troops is another form of brainwashing that only benefits the psychopathic 0.1%
The world will start to change when the notion of patriotism, worshiping flags and worshiping the troops deemed by the masses [nothing to do with morality] is as akin to the most deplorable disgusting and incredibly dark, psychopathic barbaric concepts ever thought up by human kind.
and this includes imaginary borders
“The most basic of these basic beliefs, I think, is a deeply-held conviction that no matter what the United States does abroad, no matter how bad it may look, no matter what horror may result, the government of the United States means well. American leaders may make mistakes, they may blunder, they may lie, they may even on the odd occasion cause more harm than good, but they do mean well. Their intentions are always honourable, even noble. Of that the great majority of Americans are certain.”
William Blum
The world can be a better place….
LarkenRose - Anarchapulco 2017
Immorality of voting
Larken rose | most dangerous superposition
Judge Jim Gray on The Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition
Professor Carl Hart | University of East London
Professor David Nutt | DM, FRCP, FRCPSYCH, FSB, FMEDSCI
propaganda and invisible goverment
William Blum: “Fake News” Is Fake News
Article by
It is a stark and grim reality. My fear is that the window for gathering a critical mass of people to challenge the status quo may have closed.