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RE: Crypt0 & Jeff Berwick (The Dollar Vigilante) - Crypto, Growth, EOS, & More! {Anarchapulco 2018}
Excellent interview. I'm really glad to see that Jeff is getting healthier and healthier. He is a genuinely caring and smart guy who cares about informing people.
That is why I added him to my HEROES OF TRUTH dream team:
Peace, love, crypto, and anarchy!
Yeah Jeff is the man. It's like you can see the strength and the pain at the same time when he looks you in the eye. I'm sure many relate including me. I really respect that he shows his vulnerability, makes him real even to us who only know him from interviews and shows. I believe him as completely sincere. I think he will be just fine.
Totally agree. I like people who aren't afraid to lay it all out, vulnerabilities and all. It definitely proves he is genuine and sincere. We need more people like this. I'm proud to have him as a fellow Canadian.
Where are you from in Canada @cryptocoinexam?
Calgary the last 30 years. Originally NF. How about you? Shit there's 2 people from Canada on Steemit! lol
Born in Montreal but lived most of my life in a small city called Sherbrooke. Do you know it? Or, if you've heard of an even tinier city called Lennoxville (Bishop's University). We love our poutine!

I guess "three people" including Jeff! Just seen your question below on Spain and now I am wondering the same. Where are the majorities of "steemians" from? It would suck to be from Cleveland! They would be a "Cleveland Steemian"! Ha! (good think we don't call ourselves "steemers")
Anyone on here from Cleveland? I dare you to start a group called the "Cleveland Steemers"!
Don't forget Josh & John from WAM.
lol. I will never forget them!
Damn that poutine looks like the real deal! Look at those fries too - perfect...and the shine on that gravy! Even the curd looks real. That ain't no "rotten ron's" pountine! That is the actual authentic first class "French Canadian Poutine". You should see the crap they try to pass off here in AB.
I have heard of Sherbroke. I am driving down east soon and normally bypass that "action" but not this time. I speak just enough French to stop in Lennoxville for a "grand formage pountine".
I am actually driving to NF for my final Journey home after 30 years in Alberta. It was just supposed to be for a year or 2, get ahead and then go home.
I'm late by about 28 years and short about a million dollars but I had enough of "hollywood" Alberta. Imagine having to eat oven cooked fries with a sprinkle of grated pizza mozzerella and beef gravy! That's just no way to live... I'm out!