After the Hiatus
After the Hiatus

I’ve taken 9 months off Steem. I burned myself out at the beginning, attempting to do something I wouldn’t necessary, but did anyway since I felt in a desperate financial stability. I tried to produce quantity over quality; and defining quality on how I feel while writing it.
Personally, I’m not a huge fan of social media. The social, physiological, spiritual, mental, and emotional consequence can cause some damage. When I started notice myself becoming dependent of the outcome of my posts and constantly checking my followers on Steemit, I felt hooked. (Side note: Why does our follower / followed take longer than everything else to load?)
I want to use technology as a tool, not a substitute for human interaction. When I dropped all main stream social media, I had 1 person reaching out to me about my absence. I don’t take this personally, yet I do see how social media provides a strange illusion of interconnectedness. I hope to see what we can do about this going into the future.
After talking to @kennyskitchen about my presence on Steem, he suggested that I posts things that I would have done anyway. For example, I take notes on my own thoughts, speakers, books, videos, and experiences of my life. Might as well share this with the Steem World, if anyone can get value out of it, I’ve improved the Greater Flow.
Looking at my past posts, they actually have some solid writing that I’m quite surprised off. I’ll write things that I would’ve anyway, and it will most likely be more information about my intellectual life more than my personal life… although these interchange for my quite often.
So, maybe you’ll hear from me in a soon. If you do hear from me, it will be content authentically from me.
Love prevails over all,
Glad to have you back @juxley! I look forward to continuing this Steemy journey with you and your authentic content. It was an absolute joy to work next to you & the Anarchist Bomb Factory over the past week. Steem on & see you in Colorado soon my friend!!
Pleasure working next to you as well! Keep the good vibes going as usually :D
I'm very happy to have met you at Anarchapulco, and you've now got a new follower in me as well. It was extra fun to run into each other in the airport yesterday on our way out. I've got your email address and will certainly keep in touch. As far as success here, maybe give this post a read and read the three posts I link to there. Let me know if they help you.
As for the follower count stuff loading later, check out the developer console and you can see when the different JavaScript requests go out and return.
Hi Luke! Very glad to have run into you in the airport as well. I hope all the best for your new beginning! I'll take a look at to see if that can help me navigate the steamy waters of Steem!
As for the JavaScript console / request... WOW. Looks like Steem is a great place to learn as a beginner developer :D
Gave you a shout out in my latest post as I'm wearing the tshirt you sold me. Thanks for that! :)
Very good @juxley
Thank you! :D It's nice to reconnect with this community.