I owe some people a follow-up post and it is coming... IT'S BEEN AN AMAZING WEEK for Steemit

in #anarch9 years ago (edited)

I am kind of stunned.

I know many of you know The Dollar Vigilante ( @dollarvigilante) and the fact they are now here and doing well and advocating steemit is huge. They are not the only new figure that is huge news. There are several.

However, I also just saw that Larken Rose is actually here too. I had one of those feelings like meeting a star when I realized that. I got a little giddy. I posted one of his speeches 3 weeks ago and am a huge fan.

If you are an Anarchist and don't know who Larken Rose ( @larkenrose ) is you have likely been hiding under a rock somewhere. If you are new to Anarchism I recommend you hit youtube and type his name in. Though now that he is here perhaps he can make more great works here on steemit.

Overall this has been an amazing week for steemit. We are getting some big names and I am excited to see what debates and content arrives with them here.

Anarcho-Communism vs Anarcho-Capitalism

Yesterday was a good publishing day for me in terms of Anarchy related articles. In one of them I created what is an invite to debate with some self-proclaimed Anarcho-Communists as my understanding of that term was very limited and my knee jerk reaction is that it sounds like an Oxymoron. However, I did receive some pretty great responses and I do wish to continue that debate. I will strive to post another blog entry tomorrow continuing that.

To all of you that shared great information from both sides of the fence, thank you. To those of you that offered me praise for the post I appreciate that. It does help a person to keep going. To those of you that said you didn't know much about anarchism but now you are curious. It is to people like you that I really am happy when I reach. Welcome to a very different way of thinking. It is pretty mind blowing, and I look forward to hearing about your mental journey.

First part of the debate - my invitation - has a lot of well thought out comments replied to it

My quick intro to Anarchism inspired by people telling me thanks and they were curious.

That second post I also edited throughout the day and linked to a lot of posts by my fellow anarchists here.

To Larken Rose, Dollar Vigilante, and other new people to steemit.com I have noticed something very special about steemit while I have been here. It is my hope we can keep it this way.

Something special about steemit

Topics that often quickly devolve to name calling and uncivil behavior pretty much anywhere else doesn't seem to happen here. I am an atheist, yet I've had civil debates with people about religion. I am currently debating with Anarcho-Communists as I view myself more as an Anarcho-Capitalist and so far I think I am going to benefit more from this debate than they will. You see the the Communist bent of Anarchism doesn't make sense to me and I didn't know much about it, so I am already learning a lot.

If we can continue to keep it civil it seems we can talk about pretty much ANYTHING.

I am wondering if the fact there is a potential to earn money is having a side effect of keeping people more civil. If that is the case, then that is a positive benefit I did not expect.

My parting words... the defense mechanisms you've cultivated over the years when going into a discussion on these topics. You may find they are less needed here. You may find that we've all found a home.

EDIT: Message to @dan and @ned

I am pretty pleased. You have given me hope where I was starting to only see doom and my plan was to do my best to help as much of my family survive whatever is coming in the future. Why? Most avenues to fight back I see as being closed off. Then steemit.com comes out and the entire idea of steem even beyond this one website is huge! This actually could make a gigantic difference. It sounded like a NEAT idea, but that's about it. This actually reminds me of the first time I heard Ron Paul speak and thought he was saying some crazy and nutty things. Until I went and researched them and realized he was spot on. It changed my world. I believe steem is another thing that can and will change the world. Thank you having the idea, and thank you for pushing through to make it a reality.


If we can continue to keep it civil it seems we can talk about pretty much ANYTHING.

I like this.. your point is going to get a further reach when you're civil.

It is amazing what we can accomplish together when we are civil. Wait until more people realize that they learn FAR more from civil debates with people they disagree with than they do discussions with people that already agree with them. If they already agree there are not as many opportunities to be exposed to new ideas.

I'm still loving your posts, and still wondering why they aren't more popular

Geeky stuff.... a lot of reading... against the status quo... poor timing... who knows.

I just posted another one.

This is really interesting stuff. I'm enjoying reading things like this. So many great perspectives to gaze from!

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