Analogue Photo Contest - Indio Pataxo in Brasil !!
The Pataxós are an indigenous group of Indios in Bahia, Brazil with a population of about 11,800 individuals. They once spoke the Pataxó language, but now speak Portuguese.
This was shot using a Rolleiflex 2.8 with Ektachrome expired film from 2006 and cross processed when developed.
Hope you enjoy it !
Wow... that's nice. I posted one traditional uniform from Brazil earlier today. Just wondering if it is the same tribe or close to it. Check it here if you want....
thank you Marcelli :) !
Great pic! Where in Bahia is this?
hi trilumia ! this was shot in Arraial da Ajuda a village near Porto Seguro in Bahia ! beautiful place , if you have the opportunity go visit there ! Caraiva is a beach nearby as well with loads of Indigenan culture !
Greaat! We will be in Trancoso this summer =D Do you live there?
Trancoso is great as well , loads of european tourist lives there because is such a special place!, unfortunately i dont live there, i am from Brasil but live in London , but i am sure you will make the most out of it, don't forget to go to Caraiva, is basically a 30 m bus down from Trancoso ! Enjoy !