Hoy seguimos conociendo a mis amigos esta es betty que ahora vive en mar del plata y vivio aca en el barrio hace un tiempo y esta de visits bueno a ella le gusta los perros y esta casada muy felizmente con su marido que ahora esta en mar del plata aca te presento a una de mis personas mas queridas y es un halago que recibas este post y que te prepares para que veas la historia de mu vida narrda por mi mismo eb un video qu estaremos estrenando este fin de semana aca te presento a mi amiga betty
Y este es un amigo taxistia que siempre nos acomoañan en la estacion de servicio de oil
Dos de mis amigos se quieren presentar
wow Betty? I'm getting to meet your new friends your story of love and harmony is infectious, keep them up.
it's great post my dear friend @lvj
You have really wonderful and great friends
Es genial publicar mi querido amigo @lvj
Tienes amigos maravillosos y maravillosos.
Gracias totales
Wonderful photos. I really don't understand your language.
This is a betty a friend and taxi driver friend here from argentina buenos aires city enjoy photos and times of friendship this is the article traduced on english thanks
Wowwwwww nice Friend and nice photo GOD BLESS you bro :)
Thank you
Les deseo felicidad, señor.
Igua a ti
gracias señor
I once became a taxi driver.greetings from me
Its a hard the work lf taxi cabs on buenos aires fall in many years but this peoplr got big heart and charge gas oil on oil gas station wirh people wath make feel asfriends
Absolutely I agree. it is a very difficult job.I hope it earns enough
Its a hard the work lf taxi cabs on buenos aires fall in many years but this peoplr got big heart and charge gas oil on oil gas station wirh people wath make feel asfriends
Its a hard the work lf taxi cabs on buenos aires fall in many years but this peoplr got big heart and charge gas oil on oil gas station wirh people wath make feel asfriends
Hola Juancito, saludos a esos buenos compañeros, si me aceptas un consejo, deja al final del post un resumen de todos los amigos que has publicado.
Saludos querido juan, esta bien lo que estas haciendo con cada uno de tus amigos, hacerlos conocer en tus post, estos dan la vuelta al mundo en Steemit.
They both showed each other the numbers with their fingers one and two, both of your friends were beautiful and handsome.
@lvj frnd! Beautiful click of you and Betty.looking so innocent. thanks to your friend Taxi who always helps always accomodate you at the oil service station.
Much loving friend &Betty.
Are you sure this girl is @lvj daughter? @certain
My friend only
Ok @lvj sir.
May be , but not sure. just guessed according to article.
It is not right to comment on anyone
without knowing. @certain
Ok ! I apologise for that. @elva1999
Every day helpme on a gas station