10 Most Popular Computer Programming


Java is a programming language that can be run on various computers including mobile phones. Developed by Sun Microsystems and published in 1995. Java should not be misunderstood as JavaScript. JavaScript is a scripting language used by web browsers.

As an object-oriented programming language the Java Platform Standard Edition (JSE) provides a complete environment for application development on desktop and client / server. The training materials on Java Fundamentals (JSE) will focus on Java application introduction issues, object-oriented programming (OOP), and various techniques used in Java language programming. The material is presented with the method of theory-practice equilibrium, in the hope that the trainees in addition to understanding the object-oriented paradigm, also have Java-based programming skills at the intermediate-level. Curriculum Unikom itself provides courses JAVA in semester 3.

The C programming language was created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix Operating System at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Although C is made to program systems and computer networks but this language is also often used in developing software applications. C is also widely used by various types of operating system platform and computer architecture, and there are even some very popular compilers available. C is greatly influencing other popular languages, especially C ++ which is an extension of C.

C language is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the eyes of computer experts, especially in education circles, because C language is considered a language that has many advantages compared to other languages. Viewed from the syntax side of Language C is very easy to learn both for students and the general public, and in terms of speed C language is very strong because it can run as fast as low level language (assembled). Because of its superiority, C language is used as a compulsory course in almost all universities in the world.

C ++
The Difference Between C and C ++ programming languages ​​is that although they use the same syntax but they have differences, C is a procedural programming language, where problem solving is done by dividing the problem into smaller subproblems. In addition, C ++ is a programming language that has Object-oriented programming properties. To solve a problem, C ++ performs the first step by describing the class that is a class child created previously as an abstraction of physical objects, the Class contains the state of the object, its members and the ability of the object, After some Class is created then the problem is solved with Class.

PHP is the most widely used Web programming language today. PHP is widely used to program dynamic websites, although it is not closed to be used for other uses.

Popular examples of PHP applications are phpBB and MediaWiki (software behind Wikipedia). PHP can also be seen as another option from ASP.NET/C#/VB.NET Microsoft, ColdFusion Macromedia, JSP / Java Sun Microsystems, and CGI / Perl. Other examples of more complex applications such as CMS built using PHP are Mambo, Joomla !, Postnuke, Xaraya, and others.

The advantage of PHP is not to do a compilation in its use. Web Server that supports php can be found everywhere from IIS to apache, with relatively easy configuration. In the development side easier, because of the many mailing-list and developers who are ready to assist in the development. In the aspect of pemahamanan, php is the easiest scripting language because of the many references. PHP is an open source language that can be used in various machines (linux, unix, windows) and can run runtime through console and also can run system commands.

Microsoft Visual Basic (often abbreviated as VB only) is a programming language that offers Visual Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to create software programs based on Microsoft Windows operating system by using programming model (COM), Visual Basic is a derivative of BASIC programming language and offers rapid development of computer-based graphics software.

Some scripting languages ​​such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), are similar to Visual Basic, but they work differently. Programmers can build applications using components provided by Microsoft Visual Basic Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows API, but require additional external function declarations. In programming for business, Visual Basic has a very wide market share. In a survey conducted in 2005, 62% of software developers reported using various forms of Visual Basic, followed by C ++, JavaScript, C #, and Java.

C #
C # is a modern-purpose, object-oriented, modern programming language that can be used to create programs on the Microsoft .NET Framework architecture. This C # language has similarities with Java, C and C ++ languages ​​(more can be seen in C # Language History).

This programming language was developed by a team of developers at Microsoft led by Anders Hejlsberg, a long-time developer in the world of programming language development because it is what makes Borland Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, and Microsoft J ++.

Today, C # has been standardized by the European Computer Manufacturer Association (ECMA) as well as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has stepped on version 3.0 that supports some new features such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and others.

Python is one of the most powerful and easy-to-learn programming languages. Python has a very efficient and simple yet effective high-level data structure for the application of object-oriented programming.

Python has a syntax and elegant dynamic data type that makes it an ideal language for scripting and application development in various fields and flatform operating systems.

The Python Interpreter and its collection of libraries can be found free on its official website http://www.python.org/, and may be distributed freely. On this site you can also get distribution and modules as well as site links that provide additional modules, programs and tools and documentation.

Python Interpreters are very easy to add with new functions and data types implemented with C / C ++ or discuss other programming that can be invoked using C. Python is also suitable for use as an additional language for application customization, as it is widely used in GNU / Linux applications. (Python Documentation).

Common Perl is a programming language-goal originally developed for text manipulation and is used for a variety of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more.
Running on machines with Unix operating systems (SunOS, Linux, BSD, HP-UX), is also available for operating systems like DOS, Windows, PowerPC, BeOS, VMS, EBCDIC, and PocketPC.

This language biaisan is meant to be practical as it is easy to use, efficient, complete as well as beautiful, small, elegant, minimal. Large feature that is easy to use, supports both procedural and object-oriented (OO) programming, has built-in support for text processing, and has one of the world's most impressive collections of third-party modules.

Objective-C is a programming language developed from C language combined with SmallTalk language style. In other words, Objective-C in its SmallTalk-style OOP uses message passing while C ++ uses method calls.

Objective-C is currently widely used on Mac OS X and iOS platforms (iOS is the operating system for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad ... naahhhh!). With the Cocos2D framework which incidentally is a framework for making games on the iPhone, then Objective-C more and more to learn. Note Cocos2D is part of the Cocoa Touch API (from its name already caught for creating touchscreen apps) created using Objective-C. Objective-C is also the main programming language on the NextStep operating system.

Why is Objective-C used in Mac operating systems? because Steve Jobs (founder of Apple Inc.) created a company called NeXT that uses a licensed Objective-C from StepStone to create a NextStep operating system. Because NeXT acquired Apple Inc. then NextStep is modified into a Mac OS and of course built using Objective-C. So Objective-C became the main programming language on MacIntosh products.

Delphi is a Delphi language compiler / translator (originally from Pascal) which is a high-level language class with Basic or C which is a product of Borland corp.

The programming language in Delphi is called procedural language meaning the language / syntax follows a certain sequence / procedure.

Delphi includes Visual Family class Visual Basic, Visual C, meaning that the commands to create objects can be done visually. Programmers just choose what objects want to be inserted into the Form / Window, then the behavior of the object when receiving the event / live action made the program.

nah from explanation of programming languages ​​where ya ya you master?
and what programming language do you first learn ??


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