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The Americas is the True Old World
Holy Land is in Utah
David*KetsafBenKebes on tiktok
The Whole Land of Idah / A High Place / Excellent for Water / Moses / Biblical Locations / Utah
"Noah was from Florida. Noah's ark landed in Virginia/North Carolina border. The Indian legends are all too prevalent." via fb Larry Freeman, Ahmen Essence
Makes sense. In Genesis 6:14 it says that the ark is made out of the gopher wood, native to only North America, specifically Torreya Taxifolia that only grows at southeastern United States, particularly northern Florida and southwestern Georgia.
Ghana Israelite Tribe of Dan Origins
Israel Tribes in Yucatan & 40 Years
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Ok, Bobby Hemmitt is wrong when it comes to the Abrahamic Covenant at the end of the video.
Abraham Ab Ra Kham, Father Ra of Black Land, made a Covenant with Supreme deity and Creator Amun (hidden aspect of Hmnyw / Ogdoad) of Thebes tradition representing the mainland spirituality of Amaru ka pan (America) from where the black gods, Pharaohs, ruled the known world as tribes of YasherAl (Israel).
Utah (Judah) being the promised land, while later at Yucatan peninsula is where some tribes wondered for forty years looking for water before meeting Akhenaten with his entourage who led them to Utah.
Anyway, it is the heretic king Akhenaten (biblical Moses) of ill fated 18th dynasty ruling African colonies, who made new Covenant with Yahw (Jehovah) not his ancestor Abraham whose throne name is Amenemhat I, meaning Amun is first, not Yahweh but Amun.
Hence Abraham have united the hidden (truth) Amun of Thebes with the revealed (truth) of On / Heliopolis, as AmunRa, wheras Akhenaten's cult of Aten is based on light of the sun worship only.
There lies the heresy. He wanted all power for himself and didn't want to share it with the priests of Amun, this is why he got cursed by Lord God Yahw, according to their own Satanic book, to never enter the Holy Land. Because Yahw (light of the Elohim) was the first Creation of real Creator and Supreme deity Amun.
Khemetic Priest Bobby Hemmitt on Gnosticism
Menorah of the fake Jews has nine branches while in Old Testament it is described having seven.
Same disregard to the scriptures applies to the tzitzis, the threads with noughts which the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Messianic crazies wear as a reminder of 613 laws of Torah, theirs have no blue thread whilst in the bible it requires to have a blue thread weaved into it.
When I was in Rabbinical College of America, NJ USA, I have noticed this and always was wondering why do they do it contrary to what the Tonach says.
The answer is simple, because they are not the original tribes of Israel they are only playing being Jewish and they know that, well, the top rabbis and cohens.
Ironically, the actual symbol of Israel is not the hex star of Ramphant aka David but the seven branches menorah, which is being hidden and replaced with nine branches impostor devoid of meaning.
Similarly the Catholic Church is quietly rewriting the Ten Commandments by getting rid off the one prohibiting making graven images of anything in the air, on earth, in seas or beneath it. Understandably so, since the Catholic Church cannot exist otherwise without its many graven images of idol worship.
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