
Flags are only good for shrink wrapping the minds of a people & covering the caskets of their young.

Thanks. Also "dancing in public" is not so legal in many places.
This situation in general has been bothering me for a while. Also giant lies in science, media.

Thanks @careywedler. You know I think it is ironic how the Trumpster and his Followers demand that ALL people stand for Anthem to honor war heroes and victims who served our Country.

The ironic thing ?? Many of the NFL players who they are so upset with had grandfathers and great grandfathers that served in Wars like WWII only to come back to a Country that still would NOT let them Vote, still NOT let them use the same bathrooms or drink from the same water fountain.

But yet they should stand for the Flag because of what ?????????

True. Though you dont have to look that far back. Yes, you know your racism is of the charts if you spent a lot of money building seperate toilets for them.
Buuuut when it comes to sex, its still commonplace.

From a former soldier thank you! There is nothing I hate more than peoples blind patriotism mixed with apathy. If you really support my service go read about how our government has been subverted by left brain satanist scum, our profits and land stolen by fake Ashkenazis, our rights ignored and trampled fascist order followers, and our people intentionally killed in ritual fashion in events orchestrated by dark Luciferian secret societies. After you learn that join the damn resistance (not the left wing McResistance) and help build a brighter future.

Excellent post, interesting video. Godspeed!

Stop it, you will make peoples heads explode!

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