RE: Bezos Bows To Pressure On $15/hr. Keep Pressuring Him. Keep Pressuring Them All.
Excellent, here it is for you die hard crapitalusts who think that "government is the source of monopolies" and fail to grasp that without anti-trust laws (exactly what are you idiot nonsensical anarchists going to argue when "no victim, no crime" is the henchmen's axe to your neck?) and a working justice system to enforce them, the concentration of wealth and thus the power which comes with it will undubetly create a "free market" dystopian environment where we can only hope or pray that there's a semblance of sensibilty such as the directives"ethics" Wall-Esque's Buy-n-Large implemented. @larkenrose
;) @uvas the incessant trololol of "Microsoft got it's monopoly through patents and copyright" and "Amazon doesn't have a monopoly over publishing despite controlling over 70% of the market, because after all how much longer can you deny the obvious".