When You Should Run PPC Campaign on Your listing?
IF your want to run PPC on your listing then your listing must have some reviews.
Minimum reviews that your listing contains 15 reviews and have at least 3.5 ratings.
There are different purposes of PPC campaign which may be Conversion, ranking
You can run a PPC campaign on your fresh listing but if your product is much competitive then you should have some reviews otherwise your bleeding will go very high.
In this situation, you will reduce your PPC Bleeding and you negatively target your high search volume keywords which will badly affect your sales and you will always In lose.
If your product is a low price normal protein product or you want to index your keywords and have a high budget then you can run a PPC campaign very first day.
Before Setup PPC Campaign you must have a good stock of your product in all different amazon warehouses and a good budget for your second inventory.
Buy box: Before running the PPC campaign must confirm that you have a buy the box. Don’t change your price if you want to get more buy boxes.
If your price is high than your competitors then customer you cant engage your customers to buy your product.
Aamir Farooq