Oiza And Domestic Animals/Nature Motivation Show - # 8 - Petting Zoo Animals/Amazing Nature

in #amazingnature4 years ago

I love this challenge of our friend @adalger and it is the reason to accompany him day by day. In this opportunity with our pets and this is my entrance...


Throughout time, man has domesticated animal species in order to obtain countless benefits from their management. In fact, a branch of the natural sciences called Zootechnics has been created, which includes the rational use or exploitation of animals

El hombre a través de los tiempos ha venido domesticando a especies animales para con su manejo obtener innumerables beneficios, de hecho se originado una rama dentro de las ciencias naturales llamada Zootecnía, que enuncia el aprovechamiento o explotación racional de los animales

Pigs, also called marranos, cochinos, etc, were the first animal species, from the productive point of view, with which I had contact, my grandfather had a breeding of pigs. I love their meat and also the way they consume their very crispy skin which we call chicharron

Porcinos, los Cerdos, también llamados marranos, cochinos, etc, fueron la primera especie animal, desde el puntode vista productivo, con la que tuve contacto, mi abuelo tenia una cria de cerdos. Me encanta su carne y también la forma de consumir su piel bien crujiente que llamamos chicharron

Equine: Led by the horse, man's second best friend, historically he has been accompanying man in great battles, conquests, in daily labors and also in distractions and games...in history an emperor came to name his horse Consul of the Empire!

Equinos: Encabezados por el caballar, segundo mejor amigo del hombre, historicamente a estado acompañando al hombre en grandes batallas, conquistas, en labores diarias y también en distracciones y juegos...en la historia un emperador llego a nombrar a su caballo Consul del imperio!

Field workers on horseback

This is Pely, my favorite mare

Bovine Cattle:It is one of the animal species whose meat is more consumed by man, as a source of protein, but also gives us his rich milk that serves to encourage us and prepare delicious drinks and delicacies.

Ganado Bovino: Es una de las especies animal cuya carne es mas consumida por el hombre, como fuente de proteinas, pero tambien nos brinda su rica leche que nos sirve para aliemntarnos y preparar deliciosas bebidas y manjares.

Milking and existing milking system at the Central University of Venezuela

Sheep and goats: At the moment in the Central University of Venezuela - FAGRO -Maracay, we only have sheep and they are in a phase of recovery and growth. These species were the first to be used by man for food, from which they obtained meat, milk and also skin or wool for clothing!

Ovinos y Caprinos: En estos momentos en la Universidad Central de Venezuela - FAGRO -Maracay, solo tenemos ovinos y se encuentran en una fase de recuperación y crecimiento. Fueron estas especies de las primeras en ser utilizadas por el hombre para su alimentación, de ella obtenian carne,leche y tambien la piel o lana para vestirse!

Unfortunately our food culture does not accept more widely the food products that we provide these animal species and not being high consumption, is considered elite!

Lamentablemente nuestra cultura alimentecia no termina de aceptar mas ampliamente los productos alimentticios que nos brindan estas especies animal y al no ser de alto consumo, se le considera elitesca!

Original written and photographic support by @oizaguirres


Hehe, well captures domestic animal post ``

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