Only a Ton of Pictures of Animals Interrupting Wildlife Photographers

in #amazing6 years ago

One Twitter person, , found everybody's new favourite style of picture, and it's animals interrupting wildlife photographers.

She's proper; these pictures are unbelievable.

A few of these animals are like, "Hey there, what's going on?"


And others are like, “You invade my space, I’ll invade yours!” And others are like, “Welcome to my home. Let me show you around.”

In brief, these pictures are priceless.

through: Twitter

“I don’t know why the ground keeps moving! Stay still, ground! I have to hunt for prey!”

through: Twitter

I prefer to suppose they’re all whispering to one another, “Are we best friends? I think we’re best friends now!”

through: Twitter

This man appears remarkably chill for being mounted by a child cheetah, which in all probability means mama cheetah is close by.

through: Twitter

Talking of mama cheetah, right here she is being all like, “What’s that you got there? What does it do? Can you show me?”

The subsequent one is just too cute.

- The story continues 1/6-

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