Hobbies That Anyone Can Easily Pickup

in #amazing6 years ago

All too often, we tend to get caught up in the pattern of going to work, coming home and eating dinner, watching TV, and then going to bed.

On the weekends, we might change it up a little bit, but not much.

If you find yourself getting sick of the monotony, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/7FfvJg3beNJCBOmlZz)

You need a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby.

It’s something you can do just for yourself. Having a hobby is SO good for your mental health and overall wellbeing.

But where to start?

Here’s a list of 19 hobbies that you can start today. Most of them cost very little money (or are free!) and can be done whether you have hours of time on your hands or can only squeeze out five free minutes here or there.

Feel free to use them as a jumping off point to find a new hobby that truly speaks to you! Good luck!

via: Shutterstock

You can get a puzzle from Target for about 10 bucks. Depending on how many pieces it is (and how often you work on it), a single puzzle can keep you busy for weeks!

All you need is a table or another flat surface — bonus points if you can store it under your couch or somewhere else that doesn’t interfere with your everyday life!

2. Knitting (or crocheting!)

via: Shutterstock

This is a great hobby to take up — especially if you live in a place where it gets cold!

You can create hats, scarves, sweaters, or socks to keep yourself (and your friends) cozy!

via: Instagram

I know what you’re thinking. Cross-stitching is for old ladies, right?

Well, first of all, old ladies can do awesome things, and you really shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss them.

Secondly, cross-stitching is NOT just for old ladies. There are all kinds of cool and funny cross-stitch designs out there, just asking for you to pick up a needle and stitch ’em.

via: Shutterstock

Yes, walking can be a hobby. And it’s free! AND it’s healthy!

Taking a walk is a great way to clear your head and see your neighborhood in a way you might not usually get to see it. You can also use your walks as a time to catch up on podcasts, listen to audiobooks, or call someone you’ve been wanting to chat with.

This next hobby is also healthy!

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