Dutch schoolchildren were given the opportunity to shoot their teachers
Dutch schoolchildren were able to rent mini-cameras. And they will not take pictures of nature, but of their teachers. The Youth Information Foundation in Rotterdam issues so-called "finger cameras" if it is suspected that the teacher discriminates against the pupil or solicits it. The film in this case will serve as evidence against the teacher. The camera is so small that it can be safely pinned to a sleeve or a satchel.
In response to such actions, the association of teachers threatens to sue the fund - shooting violates the personal rights of teachers.
However, the fund rejected the claims: "Who has nothing to hide, there is nothing to be afraid of."
True, it is unclear where the Fund has the confidence that schoolchildren will only shoot their mentors, not amateur porn films?
Its certainly uncalled for. School children dont need that, they are in school to learn not fault their teachers