Why do people with Knowledge perform better than those without it?

in #amazing7 years ago (edited)

It is argued that Knowledge is power –which is true in all forms of life because those in position of power (financial, political and social ) have a lot of knowledge or at least surround themselves with very smart people. In reality, however, a normal human being can never acquire knowledge in all fields hence the need to know where your talent lies and develop it through continuous improvement / education (also improve on your weaknesses ).
According to Jeff Hester :

Some of what you think that you know is fine. But some isn’t. Here’s the rub. You don’t know which is which!
The world will tell you when the tidal wave is coming.
It will also tell you where to look for the next big idea.
But you have to know how to listen.

Pic Source:

Complacency: Many people fail because they feel that they know everything. We see that daily in the Crypto space ie especially unknowledgeable people making daily videos in YouTube claiming to predict the market. In reality, there is nothing like efficient market because if markets were to be efficient, they will keep it to themselves and make millions daily. Moreover, you too can be knowledgeable in the crypto space through experience and learning what works for the successful people-which is mainly, target undervalued tokens/ coins and move in long term.

Continues improvement: People with knowledge perform better than others because they are expert in a particular field through training and experience. If you want to succeed in the crypto space, try to be patience, learn how to control your emotions, read daily article about the industry, take up a short course on blockchain technology , join crypto communities and learn from successful people. Moreover, do not think that you will just enter a platform like steemit and start making money the same day without being knowledgeable on how things work there.
Put succinctly, try to learn what you don’t know, because knowledge is power!!!

Click here and read my former post: WallStreet Stocks Vs Bitcoin ( Crypto´s ) : A world of volatility , Uncertainty and risks

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I am a little young girl and have gained a lot of knowledge about the crpyto space here reading your posts and other top steemians posts...with the knowledge gained, I can then gradually start my blogging and crypto investments. 1st learn, and then act..knowledge is indeed power!!!

Thanks a lot for your many comments @ronja1. I am sure that you will be a big success here.

I actually objected to the topic at first looking at it from an academic perspective.
Been academically sound doesn't depict a successful life after school.
On further reading, I would say the "talent" point you brought forth, changed my thought.

Moreover, do not think that you will just enter a platform like steemit and start making money the same day without being knowledgeable on how things work there.

Highlighted point like this is what newbie steemians need to constantly put to heart.
I love your post. Probably, you should have used the tag 'Steemiteducation'

Good point indeed. The education part means learning ie contious improvement can come from job training, learning from platforms like steemit etc ...thanks for your comment and steemit education is added.

I've gained a fair amount of knowledge about the crypto world in my time here and I enjoy continuing to learn from others who've been around longer.

I wish i had 10 times as much time to devote to truly learning about and understanding blockchain technology and becoming one of the many who are pioneers in this new and exciting world.

For now my own activities include my time spent on steemit, money invested and diversified among nearly 20 different cryptos, and sharing what I do know with others who are just now delving into the crypto world.

I'm not expert, maybe barely a novice, but I would very much like to change that in the mid and long term as my time permits.

Knowledge definitely is power and thanks for reminding me that my time spent learning and engaging in the crypto community in the past 7 months has been time well spent. Maybe even life changing at some point!

wow, very good comment, I agree. Upped.

You are indeed a smart person in the crypto space through your diversification strategy. I am sure that you will be a big success. Keep steeming to more success and thanks for your comment

If I were to make a nomination for the most destructive belief in our culture, it would be the belief that some people are born smart and others are born dumb. This belief is not only badly off target as a shorthand description of reality, it is the source of many social pathologies and lost opportunities.People misunderstand the past and imagine a dystopian future, not realizing that each generation is smarter than the last.

Well analysed...good point

I feel I know everything, but with that I refer to the Basis of life and it's creation, which is simply based on law of attraction, with that I can explain all around me and my life experience. But I know almost nothing when it's specific knowledge hence numbers or history which I forgot since leaving highshool due to it's boringness being in the past. Knowledge IS power, but what knowledge is worth more than an university degree? I think the greatest knowledge we can gain is about ourselves which I accuire by meditating for example. Great post and resteemed! Have a nice day :-)

Good point, thanks for your comment

Knowledge makes things easier to calculate and plan ahead, but it's no substitute for wisdom (the practical side of things). Knowledge makes things go faster, wisdom makes them practical.

I think the "knowledge is power" paradigm is over. The newer and more practical paradigm is "application of knowledge is power." My thoughts are inspired by Rich Dad Poor Dad book written by Robert Kiyosaki. It's a good book on personal finance and its lessons can help us in crypto too.

Thinking that we know enough is the end of our progress. It's dangerous.

Good point indeed. However you have to acquire the knowledge 1st before you apply it isnt it? Great book indeed.

Great post @charles1 Thanks for sharing , Knowledge is Power ! sorry still sick and not on to much , glad i checked this out , keep up the great work , upped and resteemed !😀👍✌

Oh dear, you look down...go get some sleep. I wish you a quick recovery and thanks.

Thanks !you too !😊

In summary i think what you are saying is: "KNOWLEDGE FIRST BEFORE MONEY/SUCCESS" an am 100% in support of your notion. Although new here, have been developing my self through reading meaningful post and comments. Currently learning about crytocurency. I wouldn't say its easy but am sure the knowledge acquire will pay one day

Point!!!!thanks for your comment

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