HAM AMATEUR RADIO -National Traffic System net
SAGUARO NTS - If you wish to learn about handling message traffic, please visit: http:\\SAGUARONTS.NET or listen nightly at 6:30pm, -7UTC nightly on EAARs repeaters.
EAARS - Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society (http://eaars.com/eaarsnetwork.html) 146.86 and (440.700 Hub) Heliograph Peak - 11 repeaters linked in Arizona and New Mexico
147.28 Guthrie Peak - Greenlee County
145.21 Jacks Peak New Mexico. Between Lordsburg & Silver City
145.41 Pinal Peak Near Globe AZ
147.16 Mt Lemmon Near Tucson
146.70 Greens Peak Near Springerville - Showlow
145.27 South Mtn. Near Alpine, AZ
147.08 Mule Mtn. Near Bisbee in Cochise County
147.06 Lil Florida Mtn. Near Deming, New Mexico
145.47 Caballo Mtn. Near Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
145.35 West Peak. West of Heliograph 12 miles
**All EAARS network repeaters operate with PL tone 141.3 - Please visit the EAARS web site for the offset +-