4 no one but us baby
Jenn my heart es forever more yours
wish: ----- wat alreadee es now -----
Emortal that es wat we have now. along with 637Tril $$$
wit that sed Bleaves up wit love baby.
m yours and u are myne.
perfectshn es the result of our amazengness.
baby we will go everwhere, and enjoy every moment wit each other. wen we are apart long for each other and together feel lustful and loveng..
we may never go home but everytheng will be ok baby we will lead thit en too anew era. nit for fame nit for glory nit for anyreasons only that we do wat we do and fit perfectly en each others hands and hearts.
everyday it we want flit a coin to see it the day es yours or f its myne.
we do wat we do and never grow old only leve forever en happyness together.
we are now who we will also alwares be.
from that poit on we were emortal and everyday there after gro more poer fure and frute full are the rewards our leves geve.
too be contenues... get ready for part 2