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RE: Alt-News: Visa confirmed / ETH Flash Crash to 0.10$ on GDAX / Hilarious blockchain explanation video

in #altnews8 years ago

I have mixed feelings about Ethereum. I am not sure of its usage and pretty much all the big guys can copy it's technology much more efficiently. I believe most cryptocurrencies are test grounds for other real world applications.

They let the small guys test it and then take it themselves on another level. The blockchain is an interesting idea but it has become a meme rather than a function. Not everything needs to run on a blockchain and nor should we desire it.

Imagine if the government could track your entire life on a blockchain, locking it up forever. If that ain't scary, I don't know what is.


Well put.

The eth blockchain has sure shown some of its flaws lately!

If this comment was about bitcoin and posted on centralized media platforms it propbably wouldn't have seen the light of day. :p

most definitely

"Imagine if the government could track your entire life on a blockchain, locking it up forever. If that ain't scary, I don't know what is."

gulps ಠ_ಠ

To a degree they already do. :p

Oh yea right, I almost forgot there for a second ☹

yeah Big Data is owning us, big time ;)

Forget the government, I'd be more scared if all this information was available to all my real life friends and family

That prospect does indeed sound as horrifying, if not more!

Besides, you have to give up your identity on poloniex for a level 2 or beyond account. Poloniex have said that they have "opted to cooperate" (with the government)

indeed. never went beyond tier 1 on anything, thank dog.

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