My First Few Months Co-Hosting on Alternative Media Radio

in #alternative8 years ago (edited)

Wow, where to begin? It's been a bumpy ride to say the least during these first few months co-hosting on the show which airs every Sunday night at 10 p.m. (EST) and wraps up at midnight Monday morning. These past several weeks I've spent more time doing research and ruminating over broadcast topics than I care to admit, yet for the most part, I would consider it to be well worth the time invested. You see I was asked a few months ago (May, to be more precise) to join as a co-host after being away from any kind of online broadcasting for well over four years. I certainly wouldn't consider myself an expert at broadcasting, and I did not graduate from journalism school. The skills I have acquired have been ones I've gained mainly through trial and error, asking for tips from other more experienced broadcasters and knowledge I've picked up through reading blogs, web sites, and listening to many various podcasts from other hosts.

There's been days I honestly felt like throwing the towel in and saying forget about it, especially on those rare occasions when I felt that I wasn't getting my message out loud or clear enough to my listening audience, or there was a rude guest that plainly didn't know the rules of social etiquette such as not talking over other people, or diverting from the topic at hand. Yet, I remain diligent and persevere throughout it all - mood swings, sleepless nights, and no pay for hours of mental labor. I came into the whole "liberty/truth/freedom" movement with the express notion to share important information with others, and to build upon those ideas with like-minded individuals. It has never been about money for me in that area, just as it isn't here- once again, for me, it's about acquiring knowledge, experience, long -lasting friendships, and delving as deeply as I possibly can into the research field to find the answers, if there are any to be had.

Along the way, I've happened to chance upon sincere people who mean well and who are genuine in their efforts, as I feel I am and I am thankful for those individuals. I have also found that there are many people who are mostly in it for the monetary gain, and to have a place to air their egotism, considering themselves the BEST in the field. It's disheartening when I do find those people, kind of like a personal let down of sorts. It is then when I realize that not everyone sees things the way that I do, nor do they react to the same stimuli as me, or have the same intentions. What can I do about their behavior though? Other than handle it the best way I know how at this point, and that is to take the disappointments, set backs, personal conflicts and do my best attempt at turning it into a learning opportunity for myself and hopefully, for others that are willing to grow in the process.

I'm proud of most of my research work, and am determined in becoming better even though I don't feel as if I have the same foothold that other broadcasters may as far as social networking connections are concerned, or the financial acumen to run things exactly as I would wish for them to be ran. However, I do the best I can with what I have and promise myself to continue improving, to never give up despite the challenges and to give it my all each week even if there are moments I fumble and feel at a loss for words. This consistency over the years is what will make me, I honestly believe. I also believe the more I allow myself to not worry so much about perfectionism but to enjoy the process and journey, the more I'll be able to piece things together in a way that is enjoyable to everyone, myself included. Not an easy task, but nothing worthwhile ever is, is it?

If you're interested in having me write more about my journey in co-hosting alternative media radio, please feel free to leave a comment below. Otherwise, I'll write more as I see the necessity arise.

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