[Film review] altered carbon 碳變感想
One day, our conscious can be saved in storage. Human never die anymore.
在altered carbon的世界觀中,意識是能夠儲存保留的,裝進不同的載體中,
In altered carbon, conscious can be saved and download into different vector.
Human being is eternal but is eternal really good for human?
In the film, it talked about belief and class, but didn't make a point for these issue. Let audience to think about these issue and I was one of these people.
- 軀體 body
To meths, body is not a problem. They have money and power. They can always clone perfect body and live in the same body.
下層階級碰到的問題就麻煩了,當小孩的意識被放到成人的軀體中,父母要如何去接受?又如Ava Elliot被裝進男性軀體對Vernon帶來的衝擊感,在影集中,這樣的科技已經存在很久了,但我們還是看得出來多數人還是不太適應的....不過他們已經可以做到接受這點了,能夠做到接受已經相當不容易了,想想你的愛人跟你變成同性別的人,真的還能保留一樣的愛嗎?
To lower class, that is a trouble. When child's conscious put into an adult body. Can parents accept it?
When Ava Elliot is in a man's body, it still shock Vernon. In this film, the technology is exist for a long time.
We still can feel lots of people not to be used to this change.
They can accept conscious in different body but just not to be used to it.
Acceptance is hard. Just think about your lover become same sexual as you. Can you still love her/him?
Die Verwandlung written by Kafka, I like his interpretation about conscious. When your conscious exists in a bug, you still have human's conscious and think. But other people just think you are ugly and disgust, can't look into you.
You started a bug life and just like a bug. Eventually, are you still a human? Even you doubt yourself.
In the film, one of meths put one guy's conscious into snakes body and that guy's just breakdown. Similar to the bug in Die Verwandlung.
2.永生 eternal
Is eternal a good thing or bad thing? It's a matter of debate. To me, obviously is not a good thing.
What can be confirmed is humanity never change. Even worse because have eternal life. You know you will not die in real sense. So you try everything you can to feel the exist of life.
You will always try to chase more excited for feeling exist of life.
add class element into the issue of eternal, seems is despair in the film.
Meths can always control powers to slave lower classes. Just like you are a labor class. Your pay will be raised and have a promotion. But there is a glass ceiling , you will never be a capitalist.
The best way to slave somebody is give he hope in despair.
Power and external reduce people's introspection. You know you have power to control everything and always keep in the best condition. It's hard to not fallen. Human are not more wiser or humanity because of eternal.
Wisdom will not grow by time. Introspection is the key to wisdom.
About exist of conscious, always have debate between science and philosophy. The film has its point.
But all of this article is not the film's main story......
Just have some feeling to record it.
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