AltDefy is an easy to follow & use system which will enable your visitors to acquire totally free crypto in literally minutes by clicking just Four lines of text. The process genuinely requires no work, risk, cost or experience.
People are making life changing amounts in the crypto space in record time but how does a non techie person with no income to invest begin? Well they could use AltDefy and get crypto for free. Yes I did say free (and I stress… this is genuinely free) and it works. The guys behind AltDefy gave the system to Thirty eight ordinary people to use, and the ‘REAL’ testimonials they obtained speak volumes.
Lindsay Said: “I got my first free crypto in just Two minutes. About Ten minutes later Lindsay had made a total of $13 in free Crypto.” Shawn Said: “AltDefy delivered exactly what it said it would. I made $18 worth in Thirteen minutes.” Sean Said: “I can not believe how simple it was to get free crypto. I made $24 worth of crypto before I got out of bed”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg - the AltDefy page is full of feedback & testimonials provided by ‘REAL’ people (checkable) who used this system and began getting free crypto in 2 minutes. So while I have never really been into crypto I'm passionate about increasing my income for the smallest amount of work or effort… and this fits the bill perfectly.
So our question to you is: Would You Like Us To Show You… Ways To Get FREE Crypto In Minutes Without work? Without knowing a single thing about Crypto? Without the need to learn anything? Without any cost? And without any risk whatsoever? Did You Say Yes? Great… let’s begin.
It As Easy As:
Step One: Log In To The Free Platform
Step Two: Click 4 Lines of Text
Step Three: Unlock Free Crypto. Altdefy Is Guaranteed To Work… So If you purchase AltDefy right now, and follow the simple instructions they give you. Then they will guarantee that you'll make back the cost of this training, and a profit the very first time you use this system. Where else are you going to see a guarantee like this?… Nowhere. They’re not just confident in this system. They’re positive… Because Getting it Wrong ISN’T Possible.
Full access to the AltDefy members area.
The Complete AltDefy FREE Crypto System (Zero work involved)
PDF Training - Detailing the whole process
Step by step training videos - Detailing the whole process
Plus: Watch them use this system and get FREE Bitcoin in 1 minute 21 seconds
Lastly. They Guarantee you make the cost of this training back as well as a profit the first time you use this system.
You will get instant access to the AltDefy training, consisting of written & video step-by-step instructions detailing a proven system which works for complete newbies
They created a REAL beta test group & invited REAL people (most of whom knew nothing about Crypto) to test AltDefy for themselves.
They asked beta test group to use the system to get free Crypto and report back to them with feedback… Which they did.
As such please be assured that this system is real, does what it promises, is backed up with real proof, all of which they are happy to verify and delivers actual value.
Is this Real or yet another Theory Based Idea? This system is 100% real, and as you have already seen works for ordinary people who know little or nothing about crypto.
How much work will I need to do? You'll need to open a free account on one platform. Log into the platform and click 4 lines of text. They do not really consider this as work.
Do I need to buy or pay for anything else? In a word NO. This is Crypto (not internet marketing, affiliate marketing etc). You do not need to build anything, host anything, or pay for anything other than this training.
Is this Really that simple? Yes! 100%… Everything you need to do is open a free account on one platform. Log into the platform and click 4 lines of text to get free crypto. It sounds crazy, but it’s real, and their real beta testers are testament to this.
Do You Guarantee I'll make money with AltDefy? They guarantee that providing the user lives in a supported region (see list above), follows the instructions inside the AltDefy members area & implements the system as instructed then they'll make back the cost of this training as well as a profit the first time they do it. They can't legally, and won't guarantee specific figures.
What if I do not have any experience? Experience isn't a requirement… and you don't need to know anything about Crypto to use this system and get free Crypto. Providing you live in a supported region (list above) you'll only need to open a free account, verify the account, and then click 4 lines of text to unlock free Crypto. There's nothing else to do.
Do I need to invest any money? No, there are zero costs (apart from the purchase of AltDefy), you won't need to invest any money in order to get free crypto.
Will I Get Free Bitcoin? The free crypto you get when you use this process are Alt Coins (not Bitcoin) however as part of the training they show you how to convert all / any of your free crypto into any coin you like. E.g. you can instantly convert your free crypto to Bitcoin or any other coin. They also show you how to withdraw as US dollars.