Bob's Repair BOB - Smart Contractors, Smart Contracts - First Impressions
Here is a quick look at Bob's Repair. A snapshot of the marketing, branding, and professionalism of the BOB project may lead to further investigation. Regardless of my personal opinions, do your own research.
🔑 Website (5/5)
◻️ Fully functioning service
◻️ Limited recommendation platform
6 major cities
6 contractor types
◻️ Immutable review data
◻️ Tokensale subsite
◻️ Explainer videos
🔑 Flowcharts/Diagrams (4/5)
◻️ STWP (whitepaper)
🔑 Team (4/5)
◻️ Leaders are “Students”
◻️ Inconsistent headshot editing/image filter
🚧 Road Map (3/5)
◻️ Leap from 2014 to 2017
◻️ What’s next after 2018
🚧 Logo (3/5)
◻️ Great tagline
◻️ Leverages established brand
◻️ What about “renovation/installation/improvement”
◻️ Brand image has not evolved alongside the tech
🚧 Whitepaper (3/5)
◻️ Industry problems not backed by statistics
◻️ Growth seems stalled
◻️ Non-technical