Alpha an Untold Friendship Story
Cut to 20,000 years ago. The rule of the mightiest is the order of the day. The people live in tribes and food is all about killing the wild animals and eating them. Cruelty is a way of life and more necessary, the art of survival. The film depicts the adventure of a young man called Keda who belongs to a tribe. You can watch Alpha 2018 online posters to see the life of Keda.
He is one of the ablest younger men of his tribe. It's a common routine for the tribe to get stuck in confrontations with wild animals. Usually, they ace it effortlessly. One such expedition is shown in the movie. The tribe heads for a Steppe Bison hunting voyage but Keda misses his target and the tables turn. He is at the mercy of the bison while it should have been the other way round. Though his fellow men try to save him, he ends up falling down a high cliff along with the bison. You can now watch movie online trailer to know more about the film story.
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