Aloe vera and his benefits..
The name Aloe vera derives from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance,” while “vera” in Latin means “true.” 2000 years ago, the Greek scientists regarded Aloe vera as the universal panacea.The Egyptians called Aloe “the plant of immortality.” Today, the Aloe vera plant has been used for various purposes in dermatology.
According to AloePlant, The Royal Horticultural Society Gardeners’ Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers provides a brief explanation of the aloe, They call Aloe as a “genius of evergreen, rosetted trees, shrubs, perennials and scandent climbers with succulent foliage and tublar to bell-shaped flowers” (qtd. in Lawless & Alla, 2000).
A study carried out at the University of Naples, Italy, tested five different topical creams to see how effective they might be in protecting the skin of breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy. One of these creams contained Aloe.
Main Types of Aloe Vera
Aloe Barbadensis Miller
Aloe Africana
Aloe Socotrina
Aloe ferox
Aloe Maculata
Aloe Arborescens
Long times ago humans identified that the jelly-like material of the aloe leaf could possibly be applied to cure the skin (to heal it really fast) because of its healing effect.
No matter whether through abrasion or the sun, aloe gel used frequently behaved as a therapeutic or healing cream. This was legitimate in the biblical day and Its genuine today