Aloes are the colourful succulents.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #aloe6 years ago

Aloes are succulent plants. meaning the leaves have thick, juicy leaves which helps the plants survive in hot dry climates. The rosettes of leaves have a waxy surface and are quite attractive, and vary in colour from blue- green to other shades of green, and often with interesting patterns. The flowers are quite special,, and the hybrid varieties can be spectacular. Flowering in late winter, the flowers form in spikes of many colours, depending on the variety. Plant varieties can vary from short under 1 metre high to tree-like specimens, so there is one to use for most garden situations. Plant them in a full sun position with well-drained soil, and water them sparingly. Thye grow best in Warm and temperate climates, but will not tolerate frosts. One specialist Aloe grower has a good website you can have a look at ;
I photographed these Aloes in a local Sydney Nursery. The flowers have not yet opened, but the plants are very handsome.New5 080.JPG


Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. In the United States, aloe is grown in Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Aloe produces two substances, gel and latex, which are used for medicines. Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Aloe latex comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in color. Some aloe products are made from the whole crushed leaf, so they contain both gel and latex. The aloe that is mentioned in the Bible is an unrelated fragrant wood used as incense.

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Aloe medications can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. People take aloe gel by mouth for weight loss, diabetes, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, osteoarthritis, stomach ulcers, asthma, radiation-related skin sores, fever, itching and inflammation, and as a general tonic. A chemical in aloe called acemannan is taken by mouth for HIV/AIDS. Aloe extract is used for high cholesterol.

Aloe latex is taken by mouth mainly as a laxative for constipation. It is also used for seizures, asthma, colds, bleeding, lack of a menstrual period, swelling of the colon (colitis), depression, diabetes, eye conditions that cause blindness (glaucoma), multiple sclerosis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, joint inflammation, osteoarthritis, and vision problems. Fresh aloe leaves are taken by mouth for cancer.

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Fav. comment Award !! Well done, you chose great Pics.

@ctrl-alt-nwo, That would be nice description and photography indeed post about Aloes. We used it for medical treatments. Some ladies keep juicy Aloes on their faces and eyes for be cool and be beauty. But I never see live Aloes flowers yet.

The first step in aloe vera plant care is to realize that this plant is a succulent. Like cacti, succulents do best in dry conditions. When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand. Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes. Aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water. One important thing in the care of aloe vera houseplants is that they have proper light. Aloe vera plants need bright light, so they do best in south- or west-facing windows.

Another important part of how to grow an aloe plant is to water the plant properly. The soil of the aloe vera plant should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered. When the aloe plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. The most common reason an aloe plant dies is that the owners water too often or do not allow the water to drain. Do not make this mistake when taking care of aloe houseplants.


Fav. comment Award !! Well done for choosing great pics and information.

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Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe barbadensis


People have been growing aloe vera plants for literally thousands of years. It is one of the most widely used medicinal plants on the planet. Many species of aloe are popular houseplants because they are also very versatile and able to thrive indoors without requiring much care. This is beneficial because live plants like aloe can improve air quality and help promote a healthier indoor environment.

Aloe vera is the most encountered species of aloe and the most well known for delivering powerful benefits to your health. In addition to using aloe vera to care for their skin, many people are beginning to enjoy the plant for its nutritional benefits.


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The flowers are quite special,, and the hybrid varieties can be spectacular.

That’s true! Aloes are also great for your skin, especially the liquid inside the leaves. That’s why Aloe vera is the most widely known. We actualy have one in our flower pot and once in a while my wife cuts a small piece of it.

The small piece cuts in half and she uses the liquid inside the leaves for her skin. Mostly face skin. Aloes’s leaves are very common ingredient in face creams and overall creams.



Aloe is also use as a medication for weight loss, diabetes, hepatitis... People apply aloe gel to the skin for acne, an inflammatory skin condition. There are so many health benefits of Aloe flower, we could write multiple pages to get to know all of them.

Aloes have the fantastic additional attraction of making an enormous and breathtaking variety of beautiful and fascinating flowers. It’s flowers vary tremendously in size, shape, color and seasonal occurence.

Aloe Pink


Aloe Striata


They come in a variety of shades of blue, green, grey, purple, red etc. and a nearly equal variety of shapes. They vary in size from barely 1" tall to over 40' tall and nearly as wide.

Aloe Vera


However, if they never flowered they would still be extremely popular plants for gardeners, collectors, landscapers and public gardens.


You find it in many homes and gardens and it also goes by many other names as well – Aloe barbadensis, First Aid Plant, True Aloe, African Aloe, Burn Plant and Miracle Plant, to mention a few. This beneficial plant with purpose is really easy to grow in your home and in the garden so stay tuned because there are care tips coming your way.

Indoors, it needs as much light as possible, like a south of west exposure. This is not a low light plant & if it’s not getting the light it needs, the leaves will droop downwards. Just be sure to keep it away from hot glass (like a west exposure) because it’ll burn. It can be near that window but not in it.

The “true” medicinal aloe from ancient times is Aloe vera, a yellow-flowered Arabian aloe which only exists in cultivation, and can only be grown true from offsets. This plant was formerly known as Aloe barbadensis.

It is generally unspotted, clumps freely, and reaches a larger size than the other common medicinal aloe in cultivation, Aloe officinalis (formerly known as Aloe vera chinensis), which can usually be distinguished by orange or coral flowers. Aloe vera gel is used for the topical relief of skin ailments, while Aloe officinalis is said to have benefits when consumed. In addition, Aloe ferox juice extract is promoted for various uses including as a laxative. Do not consume any aloe you cannot definitively identify as medicinal, which usually requires seeing the flowers. This is a diverse genus of many non-medicinal plants and even a few poisonous ones.

The aloe vera plant is an easy, attractive succulent that makes for a great indoor companion. Aloe vera plants are useful, too, as the juice from their leaves can be used to relieve pain from scrapes and burns when applied topically. Here’s how to grow and care for aloe vera plants in your home!

Aloe vera plants have thick, variegated leaves that fan out from the plant’s central stem. Keep the aloe vera plant in a pot near a kitchen window for everyday use.


A beautiful plant, my friend and Aloe vera plants, aloe barbadensis, are perennial plants in the lily family known for their healing and soothing properties. The thick, succulent leaves are pale grayish-green with lighter spots and points along the edges and filled with a viscous gel. Plants are vase-shaped and spread by shallow roots. There are around 450 species of aloes ranging in size from a few inches to a few feet.

The cultivation of aloe vera presents a number of specific challenges that growers should understand. These challenges most commonly relate to watering, temperature, and soil.

If growing an aloe in a container, make sure it has drain holes in the bottom so the plant doesn't develop root rot from too saturated conditions.

Aloe vera is easily propagated by removing the developing pups surrounding the mother plant and planting inside a container. The plant also develops seedheads on spent blooms though it can take two weeks to several months for the seeds to germinate.

If planting the seeds, place the seeds on top of the soil and cover with approximately 1/8-inch of soil, as planting too deep can delay or be detrimental to them sprouting. Keep the soil moist and in a sunny location until germination occurs. Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo