Regenerating Today I want to talk about this as a natural process I want to demystify it and dedicate more enterprise to the person who is undergoing the healing than the person who is supposedly effecting it Before we begin the video Please retain to "LIKE" the video share it with anyone you think this are of relevance for and SUBSCRIBE to my canals which includes clicking that little bell next to the subscribe button which will notify you of new videos as they come out So SAT NAAM everyone My name is Sirgun Kaur I am a sacred songstress I am a Kundalini Yoga instructor and a father And I've been asked recently to write, or talk about this idea of healing So I wrote this fragment that ended up being called...
"The Healing Power of Music" And where individuals ask me about HEALING I ever want to clarify a bit what we're talking about One of the instances that I actually affection is that, if you have infants ... and your child comes to you, and say they have a scrape and so you are able to touch it with some water, or some hydrogran peroxide or neosporin, whatever you have ... You know, you might offset them scent some crucial lubricants ... whatever your slew is around hygiene and rakes and then you might frame a bandaid on it So as adults, we know ... that the neosporin, or the hydrogen peroxide or the spray combined with the bandaid isn't what is causing their own bodies to close the scalp around the rake and heal We know that there is an ability to the body, even if we don't think about it that often we know that there is an knowledge to the body that creates this healing.
Right? It's not miraculous. No one thinks that when they trim their finger ... it's gonna abide open forever and only maintain oozing Right? We have an expectation that the scalp is going to regenerate. Well similarly, with other things in our life, soothing should be that natural. And likewise, we should understand ... that what is going on is within our torso or our judgment, or our excitements, whatever sort of aircraft we're doing the healing on that that's where it's happening. Right, so it's not the bandaid and it's not the neosporin it's our own body process. And it's normal. It's natural. So when mortal asks me about the mending strength of music I want to say, "well, it's kind of like neosporin" or all-important lubricants, again, whatever you use. We tend to only use spray in their own families. whatever that balm that you put on the piece That is what reciting does. Singing pays us an apprehension of alternative, of is hoped that the government focused our thought so it takes our judgment off of the limitations...
That we've make for our self It takes our attention off of the pain that we believe we are. It takes our subconsciou off of the sadness. It residence it on to something that is repetition, more participating a mantra And I have a video about that extremely, if you want to learn what a mantra is. But just for this video, it runs. The chanting wields. Parties leave a chant concert ... I performed with Snatam last Saturday and people leave her concerts feeling like they have been restored. You know, they have brand-new hope, a higher outlook on life. Well, what's happening? What's happening is she afforded them an opportunity to sounds into their national resources hoist their feel and really amply embody the fullness of who they are That is NORMAL guys! That is normal stuff.
That's something that we can accomplish on our own It's really nice to have an experience like going to a Snatam concert, or somebody else's concert, or going to a clang healing session, or something like that. Coming a massage ... Nothing incorrect to those used things AT ALL They are an shocking the possibilities for us to refocus on our ego, on our state, and who we really are But they in themselves are not DOING the salving The massage is not soothing your organization. The resonate is not mending your person. Snatam is not healing your torso. That is YOU! It's all happening within you. And everybody who does this nonsense know this. The don't believe that the are sighing magical spells to you and that your form suddenl does something that's abnormal and supernatural No, what's going on is that suddenly, your recollection is taken away from the limitations you believe you have your vibration develops and suddenly everything starts to move like it should The vigour in your mas is moving normally.
Normally. Right? Not miraculously. Ordinarily. Because mending is regular. So, when our pulse creates and we're focused on something we enjoy, we're, you are familiar with, planned passion, We are BEING compassion. That heart field opens, it radiates the intensity in our figure moves. It spurts. Right, because there's not "good" and "bad" energy, it's just whether it's spurting or fastened. And the energy moves when these experiences happen, and things open up. And mending makes sit. And so, I just thought that this was something worth mentioning as we go into this new paradigm of healing being able to be something ... that we didn't previously think it should be Regenerating was something that used to happen...
Within sort of a medical prototype You had a disease and you go to the doctor and they remove it, and healing makes target. Well even in that realm if it were not for the healing capacity that is already innate within you if there were to remove something from your mas then you would die because it would not affix itself back up. You know, they are likely to hem it all they missed, but if it did not going to go to homeostasis or some species of it, then you would die. So we know that even within the medical prototype, that mending is something that happens within the body. And people can assist in that, but eventually it is ours. And so, we sort of made this medical prototype of looking to the doctor for our healing and I see it being transferred onto the non-allopathic simulation, the homeopathists, and the crystals, and the healing oils, and things like that And they are wonderful supporters of health...
But they in themselves are not doing anything magical that is CREATING healing That is only something that can happen within your figure, within your thinker, within your own excitements. So it's all internal wield. Theoretically, you could sit in a cave without any of these external things going on things "healing" things, and if you had enough mastery over your subconsciou, you could regenerate, you could Admit regenerating within everything Everything could just flow and heal up for you. If you had enough ascertain over your spirit. Now most people don't have super genius authority of their memory. So it is necessary, for most of us, to have these amazing opportunities where our possibilities get to change such as a Snatam concert, such as a massage, such as a healing period with a light worker All these things, right? It's necessary for us to get brand-new hope, and to have them assist us in this tremor, But.
Here's the thing: If we can't leave that gap, that episode, just so amazing time, and maintain it on our own, then it is not a continual kind of thing, it's just a it's just one random happening that we had to focus in on So what I urge you to do is to start to alter your outlook on healing as something that simply happens for some people once in a while, as something that is happening for you all the time anyway. Again, I use the sample, if you were to clean yourself, it would heal. The surface will hem back up. That is supernatural, and we don't think of it that way, we think of it as this, "uh, that's just what happens" No! There are some people for whom that is not the case They are certainly the minority communities on this planet, but but for most of us, we make this completely for granted.
We make this completely without gratitude. Without grateful. The form is superhuman. The things that soothe on a daily basis ... is beyond out ability to comprehend, truly. And so, it's really important the healing that is already taken place because in that frequency of respect our own vibration develops, naturally. And it's in that created vibrational state that we can allow other soothing in our form, things that we - we can't even imagine. So I want to leave you with that because I think it's a really important thing to take inventory of in our own life.
What healing are we already discovering? What salving am I already discovering? What things are taking place within my organization on a daylight to daylight basis that are functioning so beautifully and how can I create an expectation of health and wellbeing based on that? So that salving becomes regular. "I normalize healing in my life." It's natural. It's what naturally follows. It's what naturally happens when I'm in a collected vibrational government and I allow that infinite planetary intensity to flow through my organization and move. Just dance and move ... And then all of the cells of my mas was of the view that enjoyed pour through and then they wreak perfectly. And in their perfected nation, that is healing. In their dance, in their excellent functioning, in their intelligence that is something that appears to me as healing. It translates to me as healing.
So experience your people! Enjoy the beautiful routes that your bodies regenerate. It's really something to take inventory of, and to start to really feel indebted for. Because you want to notice things while they're working so that you don't have to have an experience where they stop working in order to feel appreciation for them. And you go: "uh, gosh I wish this ... " And you know you think: "that person, their ... works..." "and how come mine doesn't? " "I never appreciated it where reference is did" Don't be that person. Be the person who appreciates what there is now, ever. So that you can give love to these parts of your person and they will continue to function for you. They will continue to soothe. So Sat Naam. If you enjoy this video, please hit the LIKE button If you didn't, thumped the DISLIKE button. Leave me specific comments. Make me know if this sees smell. Or if there's something else you want me to clarify.
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