What is God? | Who is the creator of everything?
Hello steemians, ma name Shady and you are welcome to my steemit channel. So today, I am gonna talk about the question which I had been very curious about throughout my childhood and teenage and that is "God'. I don't know the exact psychology behind it but I will share with you guys what I have learned in my lifetime.
So, The spirit is sacrosanct for individuals; the body is grimy, how is it conceivable? Truly? That is the thing that we have been doing. Is it true that it isn't so? Saying, God, is sacrosanct; creation is tarnished, how is it conceivable? The very idea of God jumped out at you simply because you saw creation, would it say it isn't? When you were brought into the world and you opened your eyes, you glanced around, so much creativity! Before you came here so much has occurred, clearly, you didn't make it, so you thought there must be a maker. This is how you went to the maker, would it say it isn't? The minute you thought there must be a maker, since you are in a human shape you figured it must be a major man; a little man like me can't do this, it must be a major man. Only two hands, how might he do as such much creation? Must be eight hands, would it say it isn't? Is it safe to say that it isn't so? On the off chance that you were a wild ox, you would be truly thinking God is a tremendous bison. Is it accurate to say that it isn't so? Indeed or no? You go and ask a wild ox and see, a bison will demand God is a gigantic wild ox, perhaps four horns. You know Idi Amin, you knew about Idi Amin, the Uganda man? Idi Amin announced 'God is dark.' I concur with him. On the off chance that a white man can have a white God for what reason can't a dark man have a dark God? Yet, both those individuals are confounded, we realize God is darker.
Since he visited us, you know. At some point back I was conversing with a gathering of individuals in Nashville in Tennessee and I was revealing to them a joke. In the joke, I just alluded to God as 'Him.' Quickly a couple of women held up, 'Do you trust God is a man?' I realized where it's going. I stated, 'See I... see I am just revealing to you a joke.' 'It doesn't make a difference, you said Him. Do you trust God is a man?' They consider jokes important. Presently, ladies are contending God could be a lady. Such issues exist just in those societies. In India we have man-god, we have lady god, we have cow god, we have monkey god, we have everything, each sort, slithering one, crawling one, flying one, since we predicted every one of the issues of things to come. Obviously, when a man was the most dominant power on earth, the man was normally God.
Presently ladies are additionally picking up in their capacity so ladies are addressing 'Why it… for what reason wouldn't it be able to be a lady?' Along these lines, tomorrow guess hounds gain part of intensity which they are picking up; so pooches will inquire 'Why not a pooch God?' Really the spelling additionally is close, you know? He appears to be nearer than you, would it say it isn't? All in all, your concept of God is only a misrepresented form of yourself, would it say it isn't? Your concept of God is only an overstated adaptation of yourself. It's just plain obvious, you are as yet not ready to characterize yourself, would it say it isn't? Whatever definition you put on yourself isn't right. Any sort of definition you put on you, it isn't sufficient to portray this one. At the point when this little bit of creation is this way, the wellspring of creation, how are you going to put a definition on it? You can't characterize it, you can't comprehend it, you can just break down into it. You can encounter it, you can never know it.
You can't make information out of it. Whatever … the information you have about God is simply unadulterated gibberish, social rubbish. Contingent on which sort of culture you are in, that sort of God you have, would it say it isn't? It must be experienced. Experience does not mean you can eat it or you can get a handle on it. No, you can encounter just by dissolving in it, there is no other way. Along these lines, we are simply searching for techniques for disintegration with the goal that we can encounter something far greater than ourselves.
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