ETs and Celestials Describe God: Jaw-DroppingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #aliens7 years ago

flower of life henna mandala.jpg
-stock image of a stylized flower of life, the foundational geometric structure of all matter, and the representation of the sevenfold nature of God

Originally Posted in my Jesus and Aliens blog [] November 23, 2015

I can’t keep a secret: I love God - Father, Son, Spirit.

I love talking about Him, hearing about Him, reading about Him, and just loving Him.

So I was nervous going into deeper study of ETs and wondering what I’d find.

How universal is my understanding of God? Would I find glaring problems with what ETs said about the Creator?

My first clue was one contactee who stated that his belief in God was thoroughly confirmed and strengthened by his encounters, rather than “wrecked,” as some have suggested might happen to faith in that event. Then I heard the 4th, 5th, and 6th density entities from the etwhisperer site stating truths about God that filled me anew with awe of Him. In my research on Spiritual Ascension, I found the book Urantia, a 2000+ page collection of dissertation-like papers transcribed from revelations by celestial beings, self-identified as “Divine Counselors” and “Universal Censors” et al, acting by authority of the Ancient of Days on Uversa (our universe's regional celestial headquarters).

I will quote excerpts from three of them. The first is from Lon To, a female 4th density entity from the Hok-Ni planet in the Hok-Ni Solar System. Number 2 is from ~ Treb bor yit-NE, male 5th density ancient Pleidian from the Cappella star in Auriga. The third is a Divine Counselor who is from the Center - Paradise - but apparently is based in some capacity at the regional headquarters for our universe, one of seven universes surrounding the Center. Incidentally, he represents one of the higher orders of entities that describes God as creating creators - in effect, entrusting some of the creation “work” to his creation - alluded to by Treb in the second quote. Though, to be clear, there is no mistaking this to suggest these “creators” threaten the Supremacy of the Trinity, the I AM, the All in All in any way, shape, or form.

  1. This ONE spiritual source is known by various terms that
    include, Absolute, Infinite Being, The Logos, God, or
    All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsulates the
    idea of infinite consciousness, beyond which nothing
    else can exist; nothing exists beyond the
    consciousness of the Infinite Being! Then the universe
    was formed within, not outside of The Infinite Being's
    consciousness. The spiritual source of all life, The
    Infinite Being, is therefore greater than the universe
    that it created within itself. The spiritual concepts of
    God employs terms like omnipresent, omnipotent and
    omniscient to express the ideas of infinite
    consciousness. From this expansive point of view,
    God, the Original Creator, is greater than all
    manifestations and, yet, is aware of every part of that
    manifestation within! -Lon To

  2. Now because I explained that there are
    infinite amounts of realities and levels; I will explain
    for the first level. The top level of God, Creator, or
    whatever name has been given to this deity. This is where
    all consciousness exists. This is from where we all
    come. Let me tell you now, it is widely believed,
    among some higher density races, or what you see as
    higher density races, that the creator of all, is one of
    many creators. That there is a level of creators
    among creators. This is not a personal belief of ours,
    but it is one that I will share with you, so you might
    see that even the biggest levels can go beyond and
    extend. The Creator is a great consciousness, and as I
    have said nothing more than what He is. Because He
    is, not only everything of physical reality and outside
    of physical reality, all exist within Him, He IS All That
    Is, physical, and non-physical reality. He is living and
    “non-living” substance that makes it up. His is not
    only all or parts of closeness, he is also in parts of
    relationships, and love: every joy, every tear.
    Everything that IS… with and in all. And I know that
    sometimes this is hard for your human race to
    comprehend; but everything that you can imagine,
    and everything that you can not imagine, is what the
    Creator IS. The reason He made physical reality is so
    that he could understand and experience everything
    that there is to experience for Himself. The best
    experiences to the worst, and everything in between.
    He is a part of all, and he is all, experience, energy,
    feeling and emotion, and again, every part of physical
    and non-physical existence. -Treb bor yit-NE

  3. 2: 1.2 “There is but one God, the infinite Father, who is also a faithful Creator.”“The divine Creator is also the Universal Disposer, the source and destiny of souls. He is the Supreme Soul, the Primal Mind, and the Unlimited Spirit of all creation.”“The great Controller makes no mistakes. He is resplendent in majesty and glory.”“The Creator God is wholly devoid of fear and enmity. He is immortal, eternal, self-existent, divine, and bountiful.”“How pure and beautiful, how deep and unfathomable is the supernal Ancestor of all things!”“The Infinite is most excellent in that he imparts himself to men. He is the beginning and the end, the Father of every good and perfect purpose.”“With God all things are possible; the eternal Creator is the cause of causes.”

2: 5.4 God is divinely kind to sinners. When rebels return to righteousness, they are mercifully received, “for our God will abundantly pardon.”“I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.”2: 5.5 After all, the greatest evidence of the goodness of God and the supreme reason for loving him is the indwelling gift of the Father —the Adjuster who so patiently awaits the hour when you both shall be eternally made one. Though you cannot find God by searching, if you will submit to the leading of the indwelling spirit, you will be unerringly guided, step by step, life by life, through universe upon universe, and age by age, until you finally stand in the presence of the Paradise personality of the Universal Father.

2: 6.7 God is never wrathful, vengeful, or angry. It is true that wisdom does often restrain his love, while justice conditions his rejected mercy. His love of righteousness cannot help being exhibited as equal hatred for sin. The Father is not an inconsistent personality; the divine unity is perfect. In the Paradise Trinity there is absolute unity despite the eternal identities of the co-ordinates of God. 2: 6.8 God loves the sinner and hates the sin: such a statement is true philosophically, but God is a transcendent personality, and persons can only love and hate other persons. Sin is not a person. God loves the sinner because he is a personality reality (potentially eternal), while towards sin God strikes no personal attitude, for sin is not a spiritual reality; it is not personal; therefore does only the justice of God take cognizance of its existence. The love of God saves the sinner; the law of God destroys the sin. This attitude of the divine nature would apparently change if the sinner finally identified himself wholly with sin just as the same mortal mind may also fully identify itself with the indwelling spirit Adjuster. Such a sin-identified mortal would then become wholly unspiritual in nature (and therefore personally unreal) and would experience eventual extinction of being. Unreality, even incompleteness of creature nature, cannot exist forever in a progressingly real and increasingly spiritual universe.

The olden concept that God is a Deity dominated by kingly morality was upstepped by Jesus to that affectionately touching level of intimate family morality of the parent-child relationship, than which there is none more tender and beautiful in mortal experience. 2: 6.3 The “richness of the goodness of God leads erring man to repentance.”“Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights.”“God is good; he is the eternal refuge of the souls of men.”“The Lord God is merciful and gracious. He is long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth.”“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who trusts him.”“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion. He is the God of salvation.”“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up the wounds of the soul. He is man’s all-powerful benefactor.”
12:7.5 God is the assurance of stability for all created things and beings. He is God; therefore he changes not. 12: 7.6 And all this steadfastness of conduct and uniformity of action is personal, conscious, and highly volitional, for the great God is not a helpless slave to his own perfection and infinity. God is not a self-acting automatic force; he is not a slavish law-bound power. God is neither a mathematical equation nor a chemical formula. He is a freewill and primal personality. He is the Universal Father, a being surcharged with personality and the universal fount of all creature personality.
The Urantia Book

Let the children of God say, Amen!

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