Is Disclosure Coming?

in #alien7 years ago (edited)

I have spent a lot of my life looking up at the stars and always wondering if there was something up there. We see all these movies and TV shows where we make contact, get our asses handed to us, then some how manage to pull it together and scrape by. We can always overcome! [at least in the movies] 

Yet these days a lot of people will look at you sideways when you start talking about Tall Grays or Reptilians. Who knows if they are real? Who knows how much of that media we are shown is a half truth? Seeing things like "Jeff and Some Aliens" and "People of Earth" both popping up around the same time, both being about Humans dealing with Aliens on a day to day basis. Probably means nothing but what if that was a way to make us feel more comfortable with these ideas? 

Aside from TV shows, earlier this year we started to see some of the tech that was rumored to be Aliens pop up in some patents that were submitted way back in 2004 [though some speculate the date was back dated for soft disclosure reasons] for a Space Craft that was is frequently seen within the UFO community, the TR3B.

To those of you that haven't hear to of this before, it is the Triangular ship that is commonly seen within UFO sightings. This is a project that NASA and the US Govt have openly talked about not existing and that it was just a Tin Foil Hat theory. 

Fast forward a couple of months and we get to this latest video from SecureTeam10. [Tyler is a fantastic editor and does a great job of presenting his content. I highly recommend following him if you are into UFO and Extraterrestrial information] In this latest video Tyler highlights multiple sightings around the UK of this exact ship, and goes on to state that these sightings are on the rise too.

Now, the question for you fine people that have heard me ramble up to now is, do you think disclosure is coming? Do you think we should have disclosure? Do you think its all just a Psyop to keep us confused? I would love to know what you think and if you have other source material to back up you claims!


If you are curious to see what other patents were submitted by the person that did the TR3B, you can find them here.


I think Mark Passio has done the best research on the subject, in this three part series you'll learn more that you can imagine on the subject...