The way Aliens greet each other (explained by the Zetas a.k.a "The Grays")

in #alien8 years ago (edited)


At the start of an interaction with Zeta beings in a séance setting, the
Zeta often asks, "What is your energy?" The sitters typically respond
by describing unusual feelings in their bodies such as a "pulling in
the solar plexus" or a "pressure in the head". These sensations may
well mean that the energy in the room has changed, likely because of
the Zeta's presence. But, as the following interaction makes clear,
these personal sensations are of no interest to the Zeta.

Zeta: The reason we ask you about what is your energy, that is a
standard greeting process for a race. “How are you?” is a human
term for “What is your energy?” Your energy contains all of your
consciousness, your energy contains your perception, your energy
contains your vitality. So we ask every time over the many years,
"What is your energy?", and we believe that the sitters have
generally misunderstood what the question is. If we hear that you
have no pulling in your solar plexus, that means nothing to us. It
means nothing to us if you say you have pulling in your solar plexus.
It means nothing to us if you say "I have pressure around my head."

Interviewer: What is the standard answer that you would give to
another Zeta if you were asked “What is your energy?”

Zeta: “I am in energy”, that is what I say. But if you are not, then
you are not.

Interviewer: But are you always in energy?

Zeta: No, you are not, not energy that you can define, because when
I would say, “I am in energy”, I would present the energy for the
other entity to feel.


Rather than the ritualistic "How are you?" often used by humans, the
Zeta's greeting is practical in nature. It is intended to discover the
energetic state of the other individual. If the answer is equivalent to
“I am in energy”, then the communication process can continue.
In a later séance, the Zeta was asked to clarify further what was

Interviewer: What is it you want explained when you ask, “What is
your energy?”

Zeta: What you cannot give. So, you are giving a descriptive process
of what you feel in the room, but of course you are not able to
present your energy the way that we do. So to ask what we require is
beyond you.

Interviewer: Are you happy with the answers that we do give you? Is
it of any benefit to let you know what the energy is doing to our

Zeta: If you learn from what you say when you say it, then you are
teaching yourself. If you are learning about the difference between
the energies that you hold prior to being in the room, compared to
what you are while you are in the room, then you are learning. But if
you are learning nothing about yourselves…

Interviewer: Are we also learning how to cope with the different

Zeta: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: So that’s a good thing.

Zeta: As long as you understand the difference, to examine what it is
that you feel when you sense the different energies, and how does it
affect you, how are you affected.
Your descriptive processes are designed to indicate to us what
changes you have felt in the room. Normally, when you are asked,
“What is your energy?”, you would present your energy, but you are
unable to do this. I have presented my energy to you. That is who I
am. Now, of course if you were able to complete that function, then I
would be able to correctly understand who you are.
It is only a social interaction to present oneself. A human will use a
greeting process, but that hides the true feelings. When you ask a
human, “How are you?”, the human does not tell the truth,
generally. Humans shield others from their own thought processes.
They present a outer shell of information, a facade for others to see.
Of course, you feel that that is necessary sometimes, but not
worthwhile in this room. Often, we are able to see exactly how you
are when you do not understand that yourself.

Interviewer: Presenting our energy, is this something we can learn?

Zeta: To present your energy is the first step in understanding how
to interact with others. It is the beginning of learning how to heal
without the presence, without the input, without the assertion of
another being. Because in doing so, when you present your energy,
you must be in full cognitive control of how the energy is presented,
what ramifications are there of presenting energy, and how are you
to bring the energy back to yourselves once you have presented the

Interviewer: May we have the chance to present the energy to you?
We would like to try that.

Zeta: Of course you may try. Let me explain how you may attempt to
do this. You will allow your consciousness to expand itself out into
the room, and in doing so, you will present your energy, but of
course, you will only have a few seconds of your time to do this. You
may at least try.

Three people in the sitting attempted to extend their consciousness
into the room with minimal success. After the first person’s attempt,
the Zeta said, “That is satisfactory. It was of course a minor attempt
but interesting. You are, to give a comparison, expecting that a child
in preschool would present a function of a higher university.”
the second person’s attempt, they said, “Ah yes, predominantly a
kinetic type energy that you are presenting. You are exerting a
physical force, physical as in expanding the physical energies of the
After the third person’s attempt, they commented, “Rather
than presenting, you were receiving. Not the intended result.”
comments are indicative of how difficult it is to properly present
one’s energy to another being.
The Zeta ended with words of advice for those wanting to learn the

Zeta: If you wish to practice with each other outside of the sitting
process, understand what you are presenting, think about what you
are carrying with you in your energy.
You must present in stillness if you wish to present your energy, to
present from a space of consciousness that is still. Humans are often
presenting each other with chaotic energies, what is seen to be at the
very lowest level of communication. Calmness and stillness
presented, shows balance. In your meditative processes, seek out
these states.

*Excerpt from the book 'A primer of the zeta race.

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