Response to Alex Jones Apologizing for Covering PizzaGate to James Alefantis!
Response to Alex Jones Apologizing for Covering PizzaGate to James Alefantis!

This is my response to Alex Jones who apologized to James Alefantis over covering PizzaGate. Alex Jones is the leader of Jonestown the new mainstream "alternate" really means Zionist right wing controlled opposition.
I thoroughly destroy Alex Jones for presenting false information and for lying about PizzaGate being debunked.
Enjoy Watching Me Slam Alex Jones for Lying About PizzaGate
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not sure what to think about anyone who this is recent news to :/
Video was made as soon as possible, but I was driving and covering the protest, so I had no chance to respond to Jones until yesterday. I had no time to upload that film to steemit till today.
nice post @titusfrost
Thank you!
It seems that Alex is out to destroy whatever credibility he has left!
Congrats, @titusfrost! Actual subject and is very interesting.
I too think Alex Jones' apology to Alefantis was unwarranted but I don't see how this takes away from the good work he has done or how this is related to Zionism.
It is related to Zionism for many reasons, the main one being the other pedosadist rings are mainly Zionist, and the Talmud explicitly promotes pedophilia.
You can draw connections between pedophilia and many religious texts. Quran would be one, for instance.
Modenr Zionism is predominantly secular and is simply Jewish Israeli nationalism. To me Pedogate is a criminal rather than philosophical or religious matter. Frankly, as long as the perps are locked up I really don't see a need to obsess over what exactly all layers of their motives may have been.
Yes, the Muslim community is rife with pedophilia problems because the Quran promotes it, just as those who read the Talmud are influenced by it's teachings. To simply say this has nothing to do with it is not being honest.
Obviously you don't understand the connection, I am not condemning the Political movement, I am condemning the people in that movement who are involved. It's the same thing as saying the DNC is involved in pedosadism, I am not talking about EVERY DNC member when i say that, obviously we are talking about SPECIFIC individuals who happen to identify as Zionist. To not call them out for who and what they are is not being honest.
Titus, we need to start saying that these pedophiles and pedo-helpers will be exiled on a deserted island. I'm sure EVERYBODY would get behind that. Once we start saying we're going to throw these people in jail or hang them it just turns people off. I would personally donate 1 bitcoin to pay for all the airline tickets.
The reason why I'm against jail/prison is because it goes against Natural Law. They can torment themselves while trapped on a little island. These people need to be separated from society ASAP.