Alex Jones & The Deplorables gets P4WN3D for teh Lulz! #OpAnonLulz Engaged!
My Video P4wn4g3 of that Sensationalist Fake Shill Alex Jones of Infowhores...
So there is this troll going around putting dick's in people's mouths... haha it's me. Alex Stratfor Jones and his team of "Deplorable Infowhores" who have been pushing misinformation, race baiting and spewing Trump bullshit had this coming. This is my video submission for Operation AnonLulz, a day of lulz for the Anonymous collective. See all the other videos under the OpAnonLulz hashtag online. Have a nice Sunday Everyone! Remember every once in awhile its good for your health to have a laugh!
Wondering why @thejohalfiles flagged this post? Could you at least explain the reason for your butt-hurt?
Jones is controlled opposition. I'm glad that you said it.
I also say it - let's keep exposing the bastards and wake more people up - well done!
Will do, just followed you, peace!
Thanks, and peace to you also brother!