This is the Syndicated Account for the Alex Jones Show Infowar BrAND on @steempunkradio. Inquiries Welcomed.
We are currently in talks to confirm regular "Truther" Streams in our weekly lineup.
@thealexjonesshow can be listened to live @steempunkradio!
TUNE in and enjoy the ALEX JONES INFOWAR Work week shows!
9 AM - 12P EST: News with David Knight
12 PM - 4PM EST: Alex Jones InfoWars
4 PM - 7PM EST: War Room with Owen Shroyer
Nightly blocks coming up including:
Wednesday 7p - 9pm EST | @dakini5d | @youarfree Radio AND TV.
Friday - 7p - 9pm EST | @jordanpagemusic | Page Against the Machine.
Friday - 9p - 11pm EST | @frankbacon | Cannabis Practivism & Blockchain Disruption.
Saturday - 11p - Sunday 1am EST | @michaeldecon | [End of Days Live](